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Bureau of education of rich collect countyAs rich collect county teachs systematic administration, assuming educational reform and the main mission that the school develops. As ceaseless development of the society and progress, educational bureau is promoting educational reform, stimulative education the respect such as quality of education of balanced development, promotion is producing main effect.

Educational reform

Educational bureau devotes oneself to to promote educational reform, ceaseless exploration accords with place's real education to develop pattern. Reform through deepening course, boost quality education, strengthen the act such as school administration, raise educational education level hard, stimulative student is integrated the full-scale development of quality.

The school develops

Educational bureau supports the development construction of the school actively, increase educational investment, improve managerial condition, promote the balanced configuration that teachs resource. Plan through making progress, offer policy directive, strengthen superintend and director to guide evaluate wait for means, help school implementation can develop continuously, promote education quality.

Pedagogic team is built

Educational bureau takes pedagogic team construction seriously, strengthen construction of wind of division heart division, promote pedagogic education the standard, encourage a teacher to promote professional competence ceaselessly. In addition, propose a toast through making salary incentive policy, strengthen groom wait for measure, raise a teacher integrated quality, compose builds team of high quality teacher.

Education is fair

Educational bureau devotes oneself to to promote educational fairness, increase the supportive strength that teachs to impoverished area, promote urban and rural education balanced development. In the meantime, ensure every student can obtain good educational natural resources, eliminate appearance of educational developing imparity.

Will not look into

Bureau of education of rich collect county will continue to insist to be with the person this development concept, perfect educational management system ceaselessly, promote reform of educational system mechanism, promote education to develop quality and standard continuously, enterprise of collect county education develops the rich that help strength flourishingly.

Thank you to read the article, believe through realizing gain collect county teachs the job of the bureau, had more thorough knowledge to education is reformed and did not develop.
