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  • 1. 溪石温泉度假村 - 位于美国科罗拉多州,在雪山脚下,以矿石似的温泉而闻名。其天然温泉水拥有极高的矿物质含量,被誉为“水晶之水”,能有效缓解疲劳和改善皮肤。
  • 2. 巴厘岛阿雅娜温泉度假村 - 坐落于印度尼西亚巴厘岛,以其丰富的硫磺温泉而著称。硫磺水具有杀菌消炎的作用,对皮肤病和风湿病有很好的疗效。
  • 3. 罗马尼亚Tronson温泉酒店 - 坐落于加尔恰山脉,被著名的温泉疗养地Eforie Nord所环绕。这里有来自地下1400米深处的温泉水,被认为有益于循环系统和骨关节疾病。
  • 4. 纽西兰芭芭拉温泉 - 位于罗托鲁瓦地区,温泉周围被原始森林包围,宁静幽美。芭芭拉温泉水含有丰富的硅酸盐和金属矿物质,对治疗风湿类疾病非常有效。
  • 5. 日本箱根玫瑰庄园温泉酒店 - 坐落于日本箱根,以其规模宏大且兼备多种类型的温泉而著称。温泉种类齐全,可以满足不同客人的需求。





The beauty of nature

The beauty of nature makes popular feeling gallop be charmed, and the precious gift that hot spring bestows as nature, it is to love by people more. The hotel that combines nature and hot spring became traveler people pursue halcyon with loosened good place. Inside global limits, having the public house of wonderful hot spring of a lot of enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person, they let people experience the uncanny workmanship of nature not only, more the cure that passes hot spring heals effect, the calm that lets people find a heart and comfortable.

5 go surely greatly hot spring hotel

In the world of hotel of nature hot spring, having different characteristic and appeal, recommend the hot spring hotel of 5 having a unique style for you next.

  • 1.Brook stone hot spring goes vacationing village - be located in American division collect to help much city, below snow mountain foot, with ore like hot spring and famed. Its are natural hot spring water has extremely high mineral content, be known as " crystal water " , can alleviate effectively exhaustion and improvement the skin.
  • 2.Cling to hot spring of li island A Yana goes vacationing village - be located at Indonesia cling to li island, celebrated with its rich sulfureous hot spring. Sulfureous water has the effect of antiseptic diminish inflammation, have very good curative effect to dermatosis and rheumatism.
  • 3.Hotel of Romanian Tronson hot spring - be located at adding Er just mountain range, be surrounded by place of distinguished Eforie Nord of ground of hot spring recuperate. Have here come from 1400 meters of warm spring water of subterranean in, be thought to be beneficial to circulatory system and bone joint disease.
  • 4.Hot spring of Niu Xilan Barbara - be located in area of Luo Tuo Lu Wa, be surrounded by virgin forest all round hot spring, halcyon deep and remote beauty. Water of Barbara hot spring contains rich silicate and metal mineral, to treating rheumatism kind the disease is very effective.
  • 5.Japanese hakone rose is manorial hot spring hotel - be located at Japanese hakone, with its dimensions is baronial and have both the hot spring of a variety of types and celebrated. Hot spring sort is all ready, can satisfy the requirement of different guest.

These hotels provide unique hot spring experience, let a person experience the beauty of the gift of nature. Each place hot spring differs minerally because of what its contain and having different cure to heal effect, no matter you are to go after body and mind to loosen, still hope to improve skin health, can find satisfactory solution in these hot spring hotels.

Acknowledgment is read

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you to bring the more thorough knowledge of hotels of pair of nature hot spring through this article, the journey that is you and put ungird to help.

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