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Archaic sex culture is summarized

Archaic sex culture is to point to what carry out about idea of sexual distinction, sex and sex archaic society is medium a series of culture phenomena, include marriage love part of system, sexual distinction, sex ethic. Understand archaic sex culture, conduce to us comprehending the way of life of archaic society better, and the gender is mixed in the position in archaic society action.

Archaic sex idea

In archaic society, sexual idea is having far-reaching effect to social part of the individual and behavior. The male and female go up to often be put in vast difference in social class, right and responsibility. Rich sexual idea message left in archaic document, work of art and historical incident, showed ancient time people is mixed to sexual acknowledge evaluation.

Archaic sex is carried out

The sexual practice in archaic society gets the influence of a lot of element such as system of sense of the religion at that time, morality, law. The practice of the respect such as education of marriage, sexual behavior, sex presents a diversity and characteristic. Through studying archaic sex is carried out, can announce standard of the sexual behavior mode of the people in archaic society, behavior and the moral fashion at that time.

The influence of archaic sex culture

Archaic sex culture still is producing far-reaching effect to current society. The respect such as ethics of equality of sexual idea of ancient time and the marital system that the gender carries out pair of modern societies, sexual distinction, family is having fundamental referenced value and revelatory sense.

Those who pass pair of archaic sex culture seek, we can comprehend structure of the moral sense of archaic society, society and way of life better. In the meantime, also can wait for a topic for discussion to have more thorough reflection and knowledge to ethics of the sexual equality of contemporary society, marriage.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the exploration of pair of archaic sex culture, can bring more thorough to what archaic society lives knowledge to you, and to contemporary society sexual distinction and marital topic for discussion inspire with think.

