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1. 两种常见的臭味,哪种更难以忍受?

有人喜欢单选题,有人更喜欢多选题,但是生活中有些选择是不需要选的,比如遇到恶臭,那么 尿味粪味 ,你更难以忍受哪一种呢?其实,尿味中的氨味更易刺激鼻黏膜,所以相对于粪味来说,更难以忍受。

2. 在清晨何时空气最清新?


3. 洗脸时用冷水还是热水更好?


4. 饭后立即刷牙对牙齿健康好吗?


5. 夜间睡觉时最佳的湿度是多少?

大家都知道室内湿度对健康很重要,那么夜间睡觉时,最佳的湿度是50% ~ 60%,过高或过低的湿度都会影响睡眠质量。

6. 挑选香蕉时,哪种颜色的香蕉更有助于消化?


7. 太阳底下乘坐公交车与树荫下乘坐公交车,哪个更安全?


8. 吃水果前还是吃饭后更好?




1.Two kinds of common stinks, which kinds more bear hard?

Somebody likes only selection of subject, somebody prefers much selection of subject, but some choices are not to need to choose in the life, encounter for instance effluvial, soUric flavour AndMucky flavour , you more bear hard which kind of? Actually, the ammoniac flavour in uric flavour stimulates nose mucous membrane more easily, so to mucky flavour, more bear hard.

2.In early morning when is air the freshest?

The air of early morning is pure and fresh and delightful, but specific when the most pure and fresh? It is actuallyAfter sunrise, because right now the plant releases oxygen, at the same time toxin and impurity also are kept clear of, this moment air is the so freshest.

3.It is better that are when washing a face, cold water or hot water used?

Cold water or hot water are used when washing a face this problem is puzzling a lot of people, actuallyCold water is better. Because cold water is OK contractive pore, reduce leather fat to secrete, still can alleviate at the same time facial dropsy.

4.It is good to dental health to brush his teeth instantly after the meal?

Whether to brush his teeth to have profit to dental health instantly after the meal? In factGo against dental health, because of soda acid of the oral cavity after taking food the value can produce change, if brush his teeth instantly, injure enamel easily. Suggest to wait 30 minutes to brush his teeth again after the meal.

5.Nightly how much is humidity of the first-rate when sleeping?

Everybody knows indoor humidity is very important to health, so nightly when sleeping, first-rate humidity is50% ~ 60%, exorbitant or too low humidity can affect Morpheus quality.

6.When choosing banana, the banana of which kinds of color more conduce to digest?

Banana color is different, influential to digesting? The answer is, offset is changed more of conduce isFlecked banana. Because this kind of banana is absorbed more easily by the body, be helpful for digesting.

7.Take below the sun the bus is taken below bus and shade of a tree, which safer?

In the summer, when taking a bus, fall with shade of a tree below the sun, which safer? Actually shade of a tree falls safer, because can reduce ultraviolet illuminate effectively, reduce the risk that basks in injury and heatstroke.

8.After still having a meal before draft fruit better?

The optimal time of draft fruit is to be inAfter the meal. Because the fruit eats to be helpful for drawing the nutrient part in fruit after the meal, stimulative body is right vitamin and mineral absorption.

Thank you to read the article, hope these common sense choose a problem to be able to make you more healthy in daily life mix comfortable.

