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  • 山不转路转:意味着面对问题时,要灵活变通,寻找新的出路。
  • 知己知彼,百战不殆:强调了解对手,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。
  • 塞翁失马,焉知非福:告诫人们在顺境时不宜得意忘形,逆境时也不应灰心丧气。
  • 磨刀不误砍柴工:强调做事要有充分的准备,避免因草率导致的错误。
  • 人非圣贤,孰能无过:提醒人们要宽容他人,因为每个人都会犯错误。
  • 饮水思源:告诫人们要牢记恩情,不忘初心。
  • 宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中:鼓励人们要有坚定的信念,不为外界所动摇。
  • 谋事在人,成事在天:强调尽力去做,但结果取决于诸般因素,也要看天意。
  • 一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身:警示人们要警惕一时的错误可能带来长久的悲痛。
  • 己所不欲,勿施于人:提醒人们要善待他人,怀有同情心和善意。




The adage of life common sense

Adage is the crystallization of civilian wisdom, shirt-sleeve the life philosophic theory of of all ages, included rich life common sense. In daily life, adage can give us in order to edify, lead a variety of issues in we are known better and facing the life. It is 10 classical adage below, the hope can inspire your life wisdom:

  • Hill does not turn the road turns: Mean when facing a problem, want agile flexible, search new outlet.
  • The bosom friend tells the other, 100 battle do not danger: Emphasize understanding adversary, the remain invincible in just can competing.
  • A loss may turn out to be a gain, yan knows to be not blessing: Admonish people is unfavorable when suitable condition get dizzy with success, also do not answer when adversity depress.
  • Grind a knife not to chop Chai Gong by accident: Emphasize working should have sufficient preparation, those who because be brought about curtly,avoid is wrong.
  • The person is not sages and men of virtue, what can have not been had: Remind people to want good-tempered another person, because everybody is met,make a mistake.
  • Never forget where one's happiness comes from: Admonish people should remember loving-kindness well, do not forget first heart.
  • Would rather branch is held in the arms sweet dead, he Cengchui falls in north wind: Encourage people to want to have sturdy belief, do not shake for environment place.
  • Plan matters is in person, accomplish sth is in day: Emphasize endeavoring to do, but the result depends on all kind element, also should look providential.
  • A single slip may cause lasting sorrow, farewell head already hundred years body: People wants caution vigilant temporarily wrong likelihood brings long bitterness.
  • Personal place not desire, do not apply at the person: Remind people to want to be kind to other, have sympathize with heart and kindness.

What these adage are not the life is all, but they accumulate contained life common sense is to lasted long 100000 however. In hoping the character of these old sayings can live in yours how-to direction, edificatory wisdom.

Thank you to read this article, hope the character of these old sayings can be brought to you a few inspire and help.
