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The diversity of marine culture

Marine culture is to show by a series of culture of ocean environment and be pregnant with of marine resource place the phenomenon is mixed culture element, include marine folk-custom, marine amorous feelings, marine history, marine art to wait. The marine culture of different area has distinctive characteristic and charm, mirrorred different people and area to give birth to the culture tradition that in keeping an activity, forms and lifestyle in long-term ocean.

The glamour of marine culture

Marine culture is of long standing and well established, bearing the weight of rich history and story. Marine culture adopts the form such as marine myth, fabulous, ballad, show a mankind awe-stricken to deep-sea and have deep love for, inheritance is worn the wisdom of marine nation and courage, also present the one side of the rich and colorful of an ocean and human life be closely bound up at the same time. The glamour of marine culture depends on it is a kind of lifestyle not only, it is pursuit of a kind of spirit more, bearing the weight of the mankind is right of sealed world yearning with exploration spirit.

The influence of marine culture

Marine culture produced far-reaching effect to human society. It is affecting the life of foreland and development not only, more all sorts of culture pattern were portrayed inside global limits. The communication of marine culture and blend, promoted different people to the culture between interacts and communicate, abounded the diversity of world culture, also promoted the development of marine tourism, become indispensable culture resource.

The protection of marine culture and inheritance

As the excessive development of modern development and marine resource, marine culture is facing grim challenge. Protect marine culture, inheritance ocean culture, already made the main task that is placed before the mankind. Need strengthens the research of marine culture and mining, increase the protective strength of pair of marine culture bequest, through beginning marine culture education and conduct propaganda, promote numerous people to be opposite the acknowledge of marine culture and attention, the vitality with the inheritance that is marine culture and development new infuse.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the diversity that understands marine culture and glamour, can know the diversity of human civilization more greatly into the ground, also provide more attention and support for protection and inheritance ocean culture.
