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  • 充足的睡眠: 根据儿童年龄制定充足的睡眠时间,保证充分的休息。
  • 科学的作息时间: 控制儿童使用电子产品的时间,合理安排学习、运动和娱乐的时间。
  • 适当的活动安排: 科学合理地安排儿童的课外活动时间,确保身心健康的发展。



  • 幼儿: 10-13小时的睡眠时间,适当的午休时间,每天1-2小时的户外活动时间。
  • 学龄前儿童: 10-12小时的睡眠时间,适当的午休时间,每天1-2小时的户外活动时间,1-2小时的学习时间。
  • 青少年: 8-10小时的睡眠时间,合理安排学习、运动和娱乐时间,控制电子产品使用时间。





Children health grows the importance with time of work and rest

Children period is the important level of one individual physiology and psychological development, time of good work and rest grows to the health of children crucial. Schedule of scientific and reasonable work and rest can help children build good habits and customs, safeguard healthy physiology and mentation.

Establish the principle of schedule of children health work and rest

When establishing timetable of children health work and rest, need follows the following principle:

  • Enough sleep: Make enough Morpheus time according to children age, assure sufficient rest.
  • Time of scientific work and rest: Control children uses the time of electronic product, reasonable arrangement study, motion and recreational time.
  • Proper activity arranges: Science arranges the extracurricular activity time of children reasonably, ensure body and mind develops healthily.

A system of schedule of children health work and rest calm

Schedule of children health work and rest should be mixed according to the age of children the life is real the circumstance is made, can suggest under reference commonly:

  • Cheeper: The Morpheus time of 10-13 hour, appropriate noon break time, everyday the outdoors activity time of 1-2 hour.
  • The children before school age: The Morpheus time of 10-12 hour, appropriate noon break time, everyday the outdoors activity time of 1-2 hour, the study time of 1-2 hour.
  • Teenage: The Morpheus time of 8-10 hour, reasonable arrangement study, motion and playtime, control electron product uses time.

The parent should guide children health to make and be carried out of time of work and rest

The parent is making the actual condition that mature child answers when the schedule of healthy work and rest of children and individual difference, guide the convention of work and rest with child good nurturance.

Establish timetable of scientific and reasonable children health work and rest, the health that conduces to safeguard children grows, improve quality of study, life, help child establishs correct philosophy, viewpoint of value. Thank you read, this article can help rare you.

