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Nature, regard us as the base that Lai Yisheng retains, contain is worn endless mystery and treasure. This hand reports a duplicate to the magical point that will lead a reader to probe nature together, change to climate from biology diversity, arrive from geological construction ecological balance, let we understand deep together and cherish this to gift the precious universe of our life.

Biology diversity

Biology diversityIt is to show the diversity of all sorts of organism on the earth is mixed to it the substantial level of pertinent hereditary information. On the earth, biology sort is counted with 1 million plan, covered from microbial to giant all sorts of life forms of the animal. The protection of biology diversity not only can hold together ecological balance, the development that is medicine, agriculture and domain of biology science and technology likely still brings the surprise that expect is less than.

Climate changes

Climate changesIt is a when get attention fully in recent years global topic. Use of industrialized acceleration and fossil fuel in great quantities as the whole world, earthly climate is occurrent change, include the whole world the grow in quantity of incident of weather of calefacient, extreme. This brought enormous challenge to society of tellurian ecosystem, mankind and economic progress, also need the cooperation inside global limits and effort to answer.

Geology is tectonic

Geology is tectonicIt is a of discussion geophysical important facet. All sorts of natural landscape such as the mountain range of earthly surface, river, earthquake, volcano and natural disaster construct with geology closely related. Understand geological construction to conduce to us preventing natural disaster better, also mix for resource exploration use provide important reference.

Ecological balance

Ecological balanceIt is to point to all sorts of biology inside ecosystem between, between biology and environment the steady state of interaction. The destruction of ecological balance can bring about biology to eradicate, resource is dried up worsen with zoology environment, because this maintains ecological balance for all to the mankind and tellurian biology crucial.


Report a duplicate to through this hand, believe the reader had to the mystery of nature more thorough understanding and comprehend. Our body is in this magical land to go up, each person is responsible the happiness that goes caress and protecting nature. Let us hand in hand side-by-side, had guarded our collective home jointly.

Thank you to read this hand to report a duplicate to, the hope can be you to provide a help to the understanding of nature and protection through this article.

