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England travels: Explore 10 thousand kinds likelihood, appreciate chiliad culture

England, have the state of long history and flowery culture as, attracting millions tourist to head for exploration. Arrive from gallant historic site contemporary skyscraper, arrive from flower type afternoon tea the cate of rich diversity, england provided the viatic experience of rich and colorful to people. Here, you can stroll in old castle, experience broad and profound history; Also can shop to the top of one's bent on fashionable shopping street enjoy; OKer in beautiful country small town experiences halcyon and auspicious life.

Capital London is the reachs surely ground that England travels, this city is shirt-sleeve classic with contemporary, have the world performance of top-ranking museum, artistic house and melodrama, also be to shop at the same time the heaven with cate. In British travel, besides London, still have a lot of other and worth while the place that swims, for instance the rustic scene of county of the old castle of the magnificent sight of Scotland upland, Cambria, York.

If you are interested in the history and culture, england also won't make you disappointed. Here, you can visit world-renowned British museum, see the artwork of the cultural relic of ancient Egypt and Greek Rome; Also can go to Cambridge, Oxford such college town experiences academic atmosphere; Can understand the fascination of British literature to Shakespeare former residence of Sitelafude more.

In addition, dietary culture of England also is one large window of the journey. The cake of the beer of all sorts of the afternoon tea of British tradition, taste, meat stuffing, eel that bake and potato wait for characteristic cate to having respective charm, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

Altogether, british travel is unique culture experience, no matter you are to like the history, skill, still be recreation, cate, this country can satisfy your requirement. The brigade that comes to an England, explore 10 thousand kinds likelihood, appreciate chiliad culture.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can provide a few helps for your British journey.

