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  • 烤蔬菜:番茄、洋葱、胡萝卜等蔬菜切块,撒上盐和橄榄油,放入小烤箱烤10分钟即可。
  • 烤鸡翅:鸡翅涂抹孜然粉、辣椒粉,放入小烤箱烤20分钟,表面金黄酥脆,内里多汁。
  • 烤比萨:将比萨饼放入小烤箱,撒上奶酪、火腿、菠萝等配料,烤至奶酪融化即可。
  • 烤三文鱼:三文鱼刷上柠檬汁、蜂蜜、生抽,放入小烤箱烤15分钟,鱼肉鲜嫩。




  • 香蕉面包
  • 巧克力布朗尼
  • 蓝莓松饼
  • 提拉米苏


  • 蜜汁烤鸡腿
  • 烤蔬菜沙拉
  • 墨西哥烤玉米
  • 马铃薯焗饭


  • 焦糖布丁
  • 榴莲蛋挞
  • 杏仁饼干
  • 草莓奶酪



The glamour of small oven

Small oven is the indispensable god in contemporary kitchen implement, it shows scene in bake domain not only, return the cate that can make all sorts of covet making a person. Might as well follow small make up exploration one case to exceed simple small oven cate, bring a delicate sumptuous dinner for family friend.

Small oven cate is made 101

Of small oven cate make actually not complex, wanted to master a few fundamental skill and cookbook only, with respect to can relaxed begin. It is a few exceed below simple delicate small oven cookbook, make you relaxed become a kitchen small amount to a person.

  • The vegetable that bake: The vegetable stripping and slicing such as tomato, onion, carrot, scatter on salt and olive oil, put small oven to bake 10 minutes can.
  • Wing of the chicken that bake: Zi of gallinaceous wing daub like that pink, chili pink, put small oven to bake 20 minutes, the surface is golden crisp, inside li juicily.
  • The pizza that bake: Put pizza small oven, scatter on the burden such as cheese, ham, pineapple, bake melt to cheese can.
  • Bake 3 article fish: 3 article fish is brushed on lemon juice, honey, unripe smoke, put small oven to bake 15 minutes, cruelly oppress is fresh and tender.

Small oven cate 100

100 concentration is below exceed cate of simple small oven, include bake kind, staple food kind, desert kind etc, make you relaxed choose, quick start.

Bake kind

  • Banana biscuit
  • Chocolate cloth Lang Ni
  • Blue berry muffin
  • Carry rummy revive

Staple food kind

  • Sweet juice bakes drumstick
  • Bake vegetable salad
  • Mexico toasts corn
  • Potato meal

Desert kind

  • Caramel flummery
  • Durian egg flogs
  • Almond biscuit
  • Strawberry cheese

Carry this article, hope you can use small oven better, make more delicate healthy cate. Thank you read!

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