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胶片相机 vs 数码相机:谁才是最佳拍摄选择?英文双语对照


胶片相机 vs 数码相机:谁才是最佳拍摄选择?英文双语对照

胶片相机 vs 数码相机
















Camera of number of film camera Vs

Film camera and digital camera are the camera of two photography domain is common kinds of different types. They are having distinctive characteristic and actor inferior position severally. Film in the choice when the tool, a lot of people can be immersed in a choice in difficulty. The article will undertake comparative to film camera and digital camera, help reader understands their distinction and characteristic better, so that make more well-advised film choice.

Into resemble a principle

Film camera uses film to have exposure, the light carries scene umbriferous go up to sensitive data, below the record video. And digital camera is to carry sensitive element (like CMOS or CCD) take the light, it is smooth signal changeover telegraphic date to undertake digitlizing handling next, make a picture finally.

Into resemble quality

Film camera resembles a principle because of some its are special becoming, can present a classical film picture to pledge, color is rich and gradual change is natural. And digital camera is in go up to also having like quality not common expression, adjust in detail expression and later period especially go up to have an advantage more.

Use convenient quality

Digital camera can undertake filming at any time and place, and the photograph can be examined instantly mix editor. And the need after film camera films is rinsed and decide case, periodic and longer, and cannot preview image immediately.

Cost thinks

Film camera needs to buy film and pay rinse cost, cost is higher. And digital camera films cost is relatively inferior, because can use memory card repeatedly, need not rinse charge.

Applicable setting

Film camera often is regarded as art to produce a tool, have higher demand to the light and composition of a picture, suit static photography or professional photography. Digital camera suits to film daily more with commercial application, its are convenient gender and efficient sex favor by the user.

As a whole, film camera and digital camera have a characteristic each, need be fond of of individual of sue for peace to filming differently, the choice also can differ somewhat. Filming when the choice, the reader answers mature oneself effective demand and budget, so that be satisfied better,film requirement.

The hope passes the introduction of the article, the reader understands the distinction of film camera and digital camera and characteristic can more clearly, choose those who suit oneself to film better thereby tool.

Acknowledgment reader reads the article, hope the article is filming a few helps are brought on the choice for you.

