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The Yo that how chooses to suit oneself book?

Regard a novice as parents, face darling grow with education, often can feel spellbound with bewilderment. The Yo that faces full of beautiful things in eyes book, how to choose those who suit oneself? Will offer a few proposals for you from a few respects below.

Pay close attention to the level characteristic of darling

Yo bookIntroducing Yo when knowledge, often can undertake classified according to the different level of darling, for instance new student period, early days of infancy, school age. When selecting a works, want to undertake choosing according to the growing level with current darling, in order to get most press close to is actual the knowledge of demand.

Author major setting and experience are shared

Choose Yo when the book, can pay close attention to professional setting of the author and personal experience. One has the writer of clinical medicine setting, may unscramble the body state of darling and behavior characteristic better from scientific point of view; And an experienced mother, the likelihood can be used more the language that press close to lives communicates Yo result.

Public praise and evaluation

Choosing Yo when the book, the evaluation that pays close attention to a reader appropriately and public praise also are very important. Can pass platform of Internet, gregarious media, Yo the way such as forum, understand other parents to evaluate and use an experience to the book, so that more comprehensive ground knows the actor of low quality of the book.

Free download Yo the book is recommended

Now nowadays, a lot of outstanding Yo the book has opened free download, offerred huge advantage for novice parents. For instance " close child read a guideline in all " , " darling south complementary forefinger " etc is deep reputable reputable free Yo book, can be gotten easily on the network and read.

When to suggest through above, the hope can help a novice parents chooses better and get the Yo that suits his book, for the it is better to grow to be offerred with education guidance of darling and help.

Thank you to read the article, the hope is choosing Yo for you a few helps are brought when the book.

