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幼儿园小班育儿指南 | 如何帮助孩子顺利适应幼儿园生活英文双语对照


幼儿园小班育儿指南 | 如何帮助孩子顺利适应幼儿园生活英文双语对照















Yo of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten guideline

Nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten is the important level in child life, to the parent, how helping the child get used to nursery school smoothly to live is a main task. It is a few practical Yo below jewel, help parents guide the child to spend phase of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten better.

Establish good domestic atmosphere

Before the child enters nursery school, the independent character that the parent can develop the child from inside domesticity and provide for oneself ability. For example, let the child participate in household activity, rear the child gradually provide for oneself ability and independent character.

Pay attention to affection demand of the child

The likelihood after the child enters nursery school can face the affection problem such as detached angst, the parent needs to listen attentively to the child's aspirations patiently, understand their affection requirement, give proper care and support.

Just keep good with teacher and garden communicate

The teacher of the parent and child and the communication that nursery school just maintains close field are very important. Seasonable understanding child is mixed in the expression of nursery school get used to a circumstance, with the teacher collaboration pays close attention to the child's development jointly.

Build the active experience that enter garden

When the child just began to get used to nursery school to live, the parent can build the active experience that enter garden for the child. For example, tell the child the interesting activity of nursery school and friend, establish the child expectation to nursery school and confidence.

Develop gregarious ability of the child

In phase of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten, the child begins a contact to be the same as age child, the parent can encourage the child to participate in the game of nursery school and activity more, foster consciousness of their gregarious ability and group collaboration.

Hope these Yo the jewel can help parents guide the child to spend phase of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten better. Thank you read, hope these information are helped somewhat to you.

