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The origin of Chinese tea culture

Chinese tea culture is of long standing and well established, can restrospect to thousands of years ago. According to historical data account, tea tree grows the earliest in southwest ministry area of China, people discovers tea is had at that time life-giving wake cerebral action, begin the picked, water that boil drinkable.

The development of Chinese tea culture

As the elapse of time, the making craft of tea is perfected gradually, tea culture also got inheritance and development. Of Tang Dynasty Liu Yu " tea classics " China be consideringed as' earliest tea monograph, it summed up the achievement that Tang Dynasty tea learns systematically, the progress that learns to later ages tea produced far-reaching effect.

The tea culture of different area

Because each Chinese areas are geographical the difference of environment and humanitarian history, formed the tea culture that has distinguishing feature each. If the tea culture of Sichuan emphasizes " preserve one's health of a tea " , the tea culture of Fujian is exquisite " Bai Chachun is beautiful " , and the tea culture of Zhejiang is in again " green tea clear heart " .

The marrow of Chinese tea culture

The mental connotation of tea mixes the quintessential style of Chinese tea culture now on the means that taste drink. Tea is a kind of beverage not only, it is the spirit that a kind of cultivate one's morality raises a gender symbolizes more. In the process that drinks tea, experience tea is sweet, savour tea soup, feel tea desire, had made the one part of Chinese traditional culture.

The transmission of Chinese tea culture

As the Silk Road enlightened, tea begins to be passed to world each district. Nowadays, chinese tea culture has arrived deep East Asia, medium inferior, area of and other places of South Asia, East Africa, hamster, produced far-reaching effect to world tea culture.

Chinese tea culture regards Chinese tradition as the main component of culture, bearing the weight of rich humanitarian connotation and historical inside information. The cause that adopts culture of dug China tea rises, development, marrow and transmission, can understand Chinese traditional culture better, and still have fundamental referenced value in current society.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the solid inside information that understands Chinese tea culture, you can be admired better, understanding and culture of experience China tea, the culture that abounds oneself thereby lives.

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