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大自然漆 | 价格、种类、施工技巧全解析英文双语对照


大自然漆 | 价格、种类、施工技巧全解析英文双语对照




  • 价格区间:根据不同品牌、材质以及规格,大自然漆的价格在市场上会有一定的波动。一般来说,每桶大自然漆的价格在200元至800元不等。
  • 影响因素:影响大自然漆价格的因素包括品牌知名度、原材料质量、环保认证等。高品质的大自然漆通常会稍贵一些,但从长远角度来看,更能为您的室内空间带来健康与舒适。



  • 无机大自然漆:其主要成分为矿物颜料与植物油,无挥发性有机化合物,对室内空气没有污染,具有很高的保健价值。
  • 水性大自然漆:使用水作为稀释剂,不含有害物质,对人体和环境友好,施工过程无异味,是当前市场上非常受欢迎的一种大自然漆。
  • 增芯大自然漆:在普通大自然漆的基础上添加天然植物芯,增加了涂层的防水性、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,适合厨房、卫生间等湿度较大的空间。



  • 墙面处理:在施工前,一定要确保墙面干燥、平整,清除墙面上的灰尘、油污等杂物。
  • 底漆处理:使用合适的底漆进行处理,能够增强大自然漆的附着力,并提升整体效果。
  • 涂刷技巧:选择合适的刷子或滚筒,均匀涂抹,避免刷漆过厚或过薄,保证漆膜质感和厚度的一致性。
  • 通风干燥:施工完成后,保持空间通风良好,让漆膜自然干燥,以免产生异味。




Nature lacquer: Give interior space infuse nature, health and beautiful choice

Nature lacquer, regard the interior decoration of environmental protection of a kind of green as coating, got gradually the attention of increasing person. It can be nature of interior space infuse, health and beauty not only, still have mouldproof, fight bacterium, purify the multiple effect such as air. Will be you below detailed and analytic nature the price of lacquer, sort and construction skill.

Nature lacquer tariff

  • Price interval: Pledge according to different brand, material and norms, the price of nature lacquer can have constant wave motion in the market. Generally speaking, the price of every pails of nature lacquer is in200 yuan reach 800 yuanDiffer.
  • Influencing factor: The factor that affects nature lacquer price includes a brand famous degree, attestation of raw material quality, environmental protection. High quality nature lacquer is met normally a bit a few more expensive, but from the point of long-term point of view, can bring for your interior space more health and comfortable.

Nature lacquer is phyletic

According to different function and utility, nature lacquer can divide roughly it is the following kinds:

  • Inorganic nature lacquer: Its bases is mineral dye and vegetable oil, without volatile organic compound, do not have pollution to indoor air, have very high health care value.
  • Nature of ability in swimming lacquer: Use water serves as thinner, do not contain harmful material, friendly to human body and environment, construction process does not have peculiar smell, it is a kind of very welcome nature lacquer on current market.
  • The nature that add core lacquer: In common nature natural plant core is added on the foundation of lacquer, increased the water proofing property of coating, wearability and corrosion resistance, suit the space with the larger humidity such as kitchen, toilet.

Skill of nature lacquer construction

After choosing appropriate nature lacquer, correct construction skill can let you decorate effect get twice the result with half the effort:

  • Metope processing: Before construction, must ensure metope is dry, level off, the dirt on cleared metope, smeary wait sundry.
  • Priming paint processing: Use appropriate priming paint to undertake handling, can enhance the adherent power of nature lacquer, promote whole the effect.
  • Besmear brushs skill: Choose appropriate brush or roll, even daub, avoid to brush lacquer heavy panel or too thin, assure the consistency of paint film simple sense and ply.
  • Ventilated and dry: After construction is finished, maintain a space drafty, make paint film nature dry, lest produce peculiar smell.

Anyhow, the choice of nature lacquer and construction need consider the factor such as the price, sort and construction skill integratedly, believe those who carry the article is analytic, you had had clearer knowledge to nature lacquer. Hope you can choose to suit your nature lacquer when decorate, for your household the environment brings more health and comfortable.

Thank you to read the article very much, the hope can help you understand nature lacquer better through the article, the interior decoration that is you is brought more choices and inspire.

