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For today's readers, 20th-century recipes involving Jell-O molds—where fruit, vegetables, or even seafood is suspended in a mass of gelatin—can be creepy enough. 对现代人来说,20世纪的食谱真是太怪了,其中的Jell-O果冻把水果、蔬菜、甚至海鲜塞进明胶里。 But AI researcher Janelle Shane, known for her AI Weirdness blog, announced on Twitter Friday that she trained a bot to develop new recipes in that style, creating what she says may be "the worst recipe-generating algorithm in existence". AI研究员Janelle Shane的AI怪诞博客很知名,周五她在推特上说训练了一个机器人开发这种风格的新食谱,创造出了她认为是“史上最糟糕的食谱生成算法”。 The recipes look like harmless vintage weirdness until you look closer. Then, you'll notice that one calls for twice removing "internal rinds" from crab meat and another flavors lemon Jell-O with a mix of cheese, peppermint, and pickle relish. 这个食谱乍一看是无害的老式奇怪方法,但仔细观察后你会发现,这个食谱要求蟹肉去两次“内皮”,还有一个是把奶酪、薄荷和酸黄瓜混合后给柠檬味的Jell-O果冻调味。

The bot also designed an innovative blended cocktail involving Splenda, Kentucky Bourbon, and a block of chocolate, which might be served to accompany these meals. 机器人也设计了一款创新的混合鸡尾酒,含有善品糖、肯塔基波本威士忌;还有一块巧克力,可能是用来配这些食物的。 Yet another recipe involves "bunny's food," along with walnuts and pimiento, and has the appetizing name "Potty Training for a Bunny." That's not to be confused with a previous name dreamed up by Shane's AI systems, the Madland Cookie, which wasn't for a food product at all but for a racehorse. 还有一个食谱里有“兔子的食物”,还有核桃和辣椒,而且名字让人很有食欲,叫“兔子的如厕训练”,是为了不和Shane的AI系统之前取的名字“马德兰曲奇”弄混,这个其实不是食物的名字,而是一匹赛马的名字。
