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Two men in New Zealand and Spain have created an "Earth sandwich" - by placing slices of bread on precise points, either side of the planet. 新西兰和西班牙的两名男子打造了一个“地球三明治”,他们将面包片准确地摆放在地球的两端。 The man behind the sandwich, Etienne Naude from Auckland, told the BBC he wanted to make one for "years", but had struggled to find someone in Spain, on the other side of the globe. 来自奥克兰的艾蒂安·诺德想出了这个创意,他告诉英国广播公司说,“好多年前”开始他就想做这种三明治,但一直苦于无法在地球另一端的西班牙找到合适的人。 He finally found someone after posting on the online message board, Reddit. 于是他在红迪网上发贴,终于找到了合作伙伴。 The men used longitude and latitude to make sure they were precisely opposite. 两人使用经度和纬度来确定他们的方位正好相反。 That meant there was around 12,724km of Earth packed between the slices - and some 20,000km between the men, for those forced to travel the conventional route. 这意味着两端的面包片之间相隔了大约12724公里,对于那些必须走常规路线的人来说,这一距离大约是20000公里。 The first "Earth sandwich" is credited to the American artist Ze Frank, who organised two slices of baguette to be placed in New Zealand and Spain in 2006. 第一个“地球三明治”要归功于美国艺术家泽·弗兰克,他在2006年使得两片法棍面包分别被放置在新西兰和西班牙。 Others have since followed - although not all reported examples have been bona fide, opposite-point Earth sandwiches. 之后还有其他一些人效仿——尽管并不是所有报道的例子都是货真价实地放置在地球相反两端的“地球三明治”。 Wanting to create his own, Mr Naude, 19, used an online longitude and latitude tool called "tunnel to the other side of the Earth" to find his exact opposite point. 19岁的诺德想要创造自己的“地球三明治”,他使用了一种名为“地球另一端的隧道”的在线经纬度工具来寻找与他的位置完全相反的地点。 Learning it was in southern Spain, he then asked a "bunch of friends and family if they knew anyone from Spain in that region" but none did. 得知此处位于西班牙南部后,他问了“一群朋友和家人,是否认识那个地区的西班牙人”,但没有人认识。 So two months ago, he posted on the Spain section of the online message board Reddit. He got "a few replies" and found one person close to the precise location. 所以两个月前,他在红迪网的西班牙版块发帖,并得到了“几条回复”,找到了一个接近准确位置的人。 Then came the tricky part - making a sandwich with another person when you are on opposite sides of the planet. 接下来就是最难的部分——与地球另一端的人共同制作一个三明治。 "It was quite hard to organise since it's 12-hour time difference," Mr Naude said. "And there's lots of things to arrange, such as the kind of bread, the time, the [precise] location, et cetera." 诺德说:“由于有12个小时的时差,很难安排。要安排很多事情,比如面包的种类、时间、(准确的)位置等等。” Mr Naude only had to travel a few hundred metres to find a suitable public spot on his side of the world. His Spanish counterpart had to travel 11 km. 诺德只需要走几百米就可以在他附近找到合适的公共场所。而他的西班牙伙伴得走11公里。

As if he hadn't gone to enough effort, Mr Naude - a computer science student at Auckland University - made specially-decorated white bread for the occasion. 诺德是奥克兰大学计算机科学专业的学生,除了此前的种种努力之外,他还专门为此制作了装饰精美的白面包。 Using a "near top of the range laser cutter", he burnt an "Earth sandwich" design onto 20 slices of bread, then used one slice to mark his exact, tightly-defined sandwich spot in New Zealand. 他使用了“最尖端的激光切割机”,将一个“地球三明治”的设计烧制在20片面包上,然后把其中的一片放置在新西兰精确的“地球三明治”地点 His counterpart used nine slices of unmarked bread to make sure he covered the exact spot. 他的西班牙伙伴用了9片没有标记的面包来确保他覆盖了准确的位置。 The composite picture, showing both men, their bread, and their co-ordinates, was then posted on Reddit - to the delight of other users. 这张合成的照片展示了两人和他们制作的面包,以及他们的坐标,照片被上传到了红迪网上,其他用户看到也很开心。 "Holidays give me lots of free time to do strange things like this," wrote Mr Naude in response to one commenter. “假期给了我很多自由时间来实现这样的奇思妙想,”诺德在回复一位评论者时写道。 One user said that - with their longitude and latitude and calculations - they were within one foot of the precise opposite point. 一名用户说,根据经度、纬度和计算结果,他们在准确的对跖点一英尺(约合0.3米)范围内。 The scientific name for points opposite each other on the Earth's surface is antipodes. 地球表面上相对的点的学名是“对跖点”。 According to World Atlas, only around 15% of "territorial land" is antipodal to other land. 根据世界地图集,只有大约15%的“领土”是与其他陆地相对的。 The UK, Australia and most of the US do not have antipodal land points - the other side of the world is water. 英国、澳大利亚和大多数美国地区都没有对跖点——他们的另一端是水域。 World Atlas says "the two largest antipodal areas inhabited by humankind are located in East Asia and South America". 世界地图集上称,“人类居住的两个最大的对跖区域位于东亚和南美”。

