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Brand story: The development course of appropriate home

Appropriate home is lived in, the home with famous whole world resides retail brand, only then achieve 1943, headquarters is located in Sweden. The author of appropriate home Yinggewa Kanpulade, with distinctive concept and design concept, make appropriate home becomes those who live in an industry to get military thing. Up to now, appropriate home has been in many countries established the whole world to count a hunderd schools to interlink inn, enjoy high reputation.

Product characteristic: The design concept of appropriate home and product characteristic

Par is contracted: The product value of appropriate home is relative civilian, pay attention to contracted and the design style that does not lose aesthetic feeling, love by the masses.

Functional sex is strong: The product of appropriate home not only beautiful, pay attention to functional sex more, outstanding functional design makes its get the favour of consumer.

Environmental protection can last: Appropriate home takes the concept that can develop continuously all the time, devote oneself to to produce the household product that environmental protection can last, won the reliance of global consumer.

Shopping strategy: How to experience Wuhan appropriate home is lived in better

Plan ahead of schedule: To the front of appropriate home is lived in, had better define oneself demand and budget first, the official website that can be in appropriate home ahead of schedule scans the product that wants to buy.

The height keeps away from in week: To avoid fastigium of stream of people, the proposal chooses to undertake shopping in Zhouzhong, in order to gain better shopping experience.

Pay close attention to favourable information: Appropriate home often rolls out all sorts of favourable activities, pay close attention to the favourable information inside official website or hypostatic inn, the shopping province that may be you issues a few expenditure.

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