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Vietnam travel tourist attraction one: Inside the river

As the capital of Vietnam and political center, the} inside {river has rich historical culture legacy, be like} of museum of the citizen inside {river and {jointly with palace} . In addition, you still can experience local cate, for instance} of street of the cate inside {river, sample trueborn Vietnam cate.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 2: Issue Long Wan

} of the Long Wan below {is one of travel resorts with the fameddest Vietnam, the bay with picturesque scenery and islands are unforgettable. You can choose to be visited by ship, admire grand scenery, also can choose to enjoy quiet time on the island.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 3: Xian harbor

} of {Xian harbor is a famed littoral holiday resort, have beautiful beach and clear seawater. Over, you can try all sorts of aquatic sports, perhaps go vacationing in the seaside the village loosens body and mind.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 4: Xian harbor peninsula

} of peninsula of {Xian harbor is famed with its attractive picture and halcyon atmosphere, it is the good place that go vacationing. You can admire absolutely beautiful sunset over, attend gem gal course, perhaps enjoy in luxurious hydrotherapy center massage loosen.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 5: Hu Zhiming city

Regard Vietnam as the biggest city, } of {Hu Zhiming city is contemporary the perfect confluence with the tradition. You can visit} of museum of {war history, know the history of Vietnam war; Also can stroll} of street of {bud village, experience contemporary urbanism.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 6: Bud village

The beach that} of {bud village grows with its continous is famous with clear seawater, suit phreatic water and float to go lover. In addition, you still can visit} of cathedral of {bud village, experience its elegant structure style.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 7: Can install ancient town

{can install ancient town} is one of Gu Cheng with Vietnam the most in good condition reservation, was full of the breath of the history and culture. In Gu Zhenli, you can stroll old street, admire traditional woodiness structure, sample local characteristic cate.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 8: Suitable change

Regard Vietnam as one of ancient capital, {is suitable change} to have grandiose palace and cloister, the traditional building that developed Vietnam is artistic. In addition, you still can sample local cate, if {is suitable,change spring roll} and {to arrange change banger} .

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 9: Railroad of village of Xian harbor bud

This railroad joined} of {Xian harbor and} of {bud village, on the way the scenery is beautiful, it is the superexcellent choice of local customs of traveler exploration Vietnam. You can admire on the way rurality, the Vietnam that experiences slow rhythm lives.

Vietnam travel tourist attraction 10: Xian harbor cathedral

} of cathedral of {Xian harbor builds a style with its France Gothic and famous, it is one of cathedral with the most conspicuous Vietnam. Visiting cathedral, what can experience religion not only is divine, still can admire its elegant artwork and building construction.

Vietnam has the travel tourist attraction of rich and colorful, no matter you favore historical culture or natural scene, can find the place that admire in the heart in Vietnam. Through exploring these tourist attractions, you know development feeling of aborigines of zephyr of the history of Vietnam, culture, keep precious viatic memory.

Thank you to read the article, when this detailed list plans the force of Vietnam to you, the hope can provide a help, wish you journey is happy!
