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  • 灾害防范教育:针对台风、地震、暴雨等灾害,向师生和社区居民传授自救互救知识。
  • 旅游安全知识:向游客介绍青岛的安全旅游知识,如海滩安全、食品安全等。
  • 安全生产教育:面向企业和职工,加强安全生产法律法规的宣传教育。



  • 建立青岛安全教育网站,提供丰富全面的安全知识和教育资源。
  • 开发安全教育APP,方便师生和社区居民随时随地获取安全知识。
  • 利用社交媒体平台,扩大安全教育的影响力,提高关注度。



  • 学校、社区应加强合作,共同推进安全教育工作。
  • 政府应加大对安全教育平台建设的投入和支持。
  • 企业可以提供相关资源和技术支持,共同为安全教育事业贡献力量。






The construction that Qingdao safety teachs platform to raising the safe consciousness of the school and community, the person that guarantees teachers and students and dweller and belongings safety are crucial. The article will set out from the actual condition of Qingdao area, discuss how to make a safety have the educational platform of safeguard.

Qingdao safety teachs the characteristic of platform

Qingdao area is located in a seaside, suffer a typhoon the impact is bigger, because this safety teachs platform,need key pays close attention to take precautions against natural calamities to decrease the transmission of calamity knowledge. Additional, qingdao still is a main travel city, the security that needs to strengthen pair of tourists and foreign staff is taught. In addition, development of economy of urban inside and outside is rapid, safe production education also is an important facet.

Safety teachs the content of platform

Qingdao safety teachs platform to should include the following content:

  • Calamity is on guard education: Wait for calamity in the light of typhoon, earthquake, rainstorm, impart to teachers and students and community dweller save oneself each other saves knowledge.
  • Travel brings all-knowing knowledge: Introduce the safe travel knowledge of Qingdao to the tourist, if provision is beach safety, safe,wait.
  • Safe production education: Face enterprise and worker, strengthen the conduct propaganda of laws and regulations of safe production law to teach.

Of technical measure apply

To popularize safe education better, can use the technical method such as Internet and shift application:

  • Build Qingdao safety to teach a website, provide rich and comprehensive safe knowledge and educational resource.
  • Development safety teachs APP, convenient teachers and students and community dweller get safe knowledge at any time and place.
  • Use gregarious media platform, enlarge the force of safe education, raise attention to spend.

Collaboration and support

Support and participate in what make a safety teach platform to need social all circles:

  • The school, community should strengthen cooperation, advance safety to teach the job jointly.
  • The government should increase the investment that builds to safe education platform and support.
  • The enterprise can provide relevant resource and technical support, contribute force for safe education enterprise jointly.


Adopt above measure, we can build take precautions against natural calamities of a collect to decrease safety of calamity, travel, safe production to teach platform at the Qingdao safety of an organic whole. The safety that hopes this platform can think the teachers and students of Qingdao, dweller and tourist provide more comprehensive, system is taught, the safe stability that is a city contributes a force.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand the Qingdao that how makes a safety have safeguard to teach platform better through this article.
