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1. 父母关系和睦: 父母关系和睦是家庭教育成功的第一步。孩子在和睦的家庭氛围中成长,才能形成健全的人格,学会尊重他人。

2. 正确引导: 父母要树立良好的榜样,教导孩子正确的行为准则和道德观念。

3. 合理约束: 父母需要在孩子行为的界限和规范中进行适当的约束,以培养孩子的自律能力。

4. 沟通倾听: 父母要注重和孩子的交流和倾听,理解他们的需求和感受,帮助他们建立良好的心理健康。

5. 启发引导: 对孩子进行思维和情感上的引导,帮助他们建立正确的人生观和世界观。




The value that the family teachs

Domestic education is the crucial one annulus in child growing process. No matter be,the society gets used to ability, good domestic education can have positive stimulative effect. Domestic education can help the child establish correct philosophy, viewpoint of value not only, the nurturance that still can be used to to its disposition, affection and behavior produces far-reaching effect.

The method that the family teachs

1.Parental relationship is harmonious: Parental relationship is harmonious the first pace that is domestic education success. The child grows in harmonious domestic atmosphere, ability forms sound moral quality, the society respects another person.

2.Guide correctly: Parents should establish good example, teach the child's correct code of conduct and moral sense.

3.Reasonable tie: Parental need has proper tie in the bounds of child behavior and standard, in order to develop autonomic ability of the child.

4.Communicate listen attentively to: Parents should be paid attention to and the child's communication is mixed listen attentively to, the requirement that understands them and experience, help them build good mental health.

5.Inspire guide: Undertake the guiding on thinking and affection to the child, help them build correct philosophy and world outlook.

Domestic education needs parental intention, patient He Zhihui, of this pair of children grow for the sense is great, it is a kind of responsibility to the society more.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you, let you understand better and carry out the value that the family teachs and method.

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