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1. 哑铃推举: 这是最基本的肩部训练动作,可以有效刺激前侧束肌肉。举重过程中要注意肘关节不要完全锁死,以免增加肩部受伤的风险。

2. 哑铃侧平举: 这个动作可以有效刺激肩部的中束肌肉,同时也有助于提高肩部的稳定性。在举重的过程中,要注意保持肘部微微弯曲,以减少对肩部关节的过度压力。

3. 哑铃引体向上: 这个动作主要可以刺激肩部的后束肌肉,训练时要注意保持身体稳定,避免用力过猛导致肩部受伤。



  • 选择适当的重量,不要过重导致动作不规范,也不要过轻导致无法有效刺激肌肉。
  • 控制动作幅度,避免过度伸展或收缩肩部肌肉。
  • 保持稳定的姿势,特别是在哑铃引体向上时,避免因为摆动带来的伤害。
  • 注意训练频率和休息时间,给肩部肌肉充足的恢复时间。




Why to choose dumbbell to train humeral ministry?

In gymnastical group, dumbbell is considered as a kind of very effective training tool, suit aggrandizement of humeral ministry sarcous especially. Dumbbell training can help you control behavioral extent better, increase sarcous territory, stimulate humeral ministry muscle adequately thereby.

Structure of humeral ministry sarcous

Humeral ministry muscle basically includes 3 shares: Before side bundle, in bundle after mixing bundle. Correct training should cover these 3 parts in the round, in order to achieve humeral ministry sarcous balanced development.

Dumbbell trains movement of humeral ministry sarcous

1.Dumbbell choose: This is action of the mainest humeral ministry training, the side before OK and effective stimulation bundle muscle. Should notice ancon joint is locked up not completely dead in weight lifting process, the risk that lest increase humeral ministry,gets hurt.

2.Dumbbell side is smooth lift: What this act can stimulate humeral ministry effectively is medium bundle of muscle, also conduce to the stability that increases humeral ministry at the same time. In the process of weight lifting, want to notice to maintain elbow to bend slightly, in order to reduce articulatory to humeral ministry excessive pressure.

3.Dumbbell pull-up: This movement basically can stimulate humeral ministry hind bundle muscle, should notice to maintain body stability when training, avoid to bring about humeral ministry too suddenly to get hurt forcibly.

Train a note

When dumbbell trains humeral ministry muscle, need notices the following:

  • Choose appropriate weight, not overweight cause a movement non-standard, also do not bring about too gently cannot stimulate muscle effectively.
  • Control behavioral extent, prevent excessive extend or muscle of contractive shoulder ministry.
  • Maintain stable pose, it is especially when dumbbell pull-up, the harm that because swing,avoids to bring.
  • The attention trains frequency and breathing space, give the refreshment with humeral ministry enough muscle time.

Train humeral ministry muscle through correct dumbbell, can help you model more stereo with strong and handsome humeral ministry line, also enhance the stability of humeral ministry and power at the same time, support other training action better.

Thank you to read the article, hope how understanding trains humeral ministry muscle correctly to be helped somewhat to you.

