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KITTY健身操 vs. HIIT:哪个更适合你?英文双语对照


KITTY健身操 vs. HIIT:哪个更适合你?英文双语对照


在当今健身领域,KITTY健身操和HIIT备受瞩目。KITTY健身操是一种舞蹈有氧运动,结合了热舞元素和有氧动作,通过跳舞的方式塑造身材。而HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training)是一种高强度间歇训练,通过交替高强度运动和休息来提高心肺功能和燃烧脂肪。











Understand KITTY setting-up exercise and HIIT

In current fitness domain, KITTY setting-up exercise and HIIT equipment suffer fix eyes upon. KITTY setting-up exercise is a kind of dancing has oxygen campaign, combined hot dance with sth in one's hands element and movement having oxygen, model a figure through dancing means. And HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) it is training of intermittence of a kind of high strenth, will raise heart lungs function and combustion through alternant high strenth moves and resting adipose.

The characteristic of KITTY setting-up exercise

KITTY setting-up exerciseWith the dance movement that learns easily lively music, simply famed. Means of this kind of fitness suits to have fun at to dancing, think exercising herd again. It can improve heart lungs function, enhance harmonious sex and flexibility, still can reduce weight at the same time, it is a kind of motion kind that has amusement extremely.

The characteristic of HIIT

Under photograph comparing, HIITPay attention to the motion of high strenth and easy. Manner of this kind of training saves time, but better gymnastical result can be achieved inside short time. It can be helped raise metabolization level, enhance heart lungs function, use up a large number of quantity of heat at the same time, it is the first selection of the public figure that wooes efficient fitness.

The choice fits his gymnastical pattern

The gymnastical way that chooses to suit oneself needs to consider individual be fond of and body condition. If you like to dance and want to enjoy fun in take exercise, soKITTY setting-up exerciseThe likelihood suits you more. And if you want fast combustion adipose, improve heart lungs function, HIITThe likelihood is better choice.


No matter choose KITTY setting-up exercise or HIIT, the most important is to hold to. Undertake perservingly taking exercise only, ability harvests health and beautiful body.

Thank you to read this article, hope it can help you choose to fit its gymnastical pattern better.

