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  • 盲目减重:很多中年女性会盲目追求瘦身,通过极端的饮食和过度运动来减重,但这样会导致身体营养不良和肌肉流失,反而对身体健康造成伤害。
  • 只注重有氧运动:有氧运动对中年女性身体健康有一定好处,但缺乏力量训练会导致肌肉流失和骨质密度减少。
  • 忽视身体状况:很多中年女性忽视自己的身体状况,盲目进行高强度的运动训练,容易造成关节和肌肉受伤。








Middleaged female fitness: How to undertake fitness trains scientificly reasonably

Middleaged female fitness is important but the topic that often is ignored. As the growth of the age, the metabolization of female body and muscle measure metropolis drop off, because this takes exercise regularly,to maintaining health is mixed vigor is crucial. However, as a result of the pressure of the life and job, very much middleaged female lacks scientific and reasonable understanding to gymnastical training, often follow suit blindly or excessive motion, bring about the body to get hurt to perhaps cannot achieve expectant result.

To middleaged female, gymnastical training can improve fitness not only, still conduce to alleviate pressure, improvement Morpheus quality, raise self-confident heart to wait. Accordingly, the text will be the importance from middleaged female fitness, familiar the respect such as error and scientific training method undertakes introductory, help middleaged female friends understand how science, undertake fitness trains reasonably.

The importance of middleaged female fitness

As the growth of the age, the body of middleaged female begins occurrence metabolization slow down, muscle and bone density to decrease gradually wait for a circumstance. These physiology change can bring about physical strength to drop, adipose accumulation increases, problem of the demote below body flexibility and force. And fixed fitness training defies these change effectively, raise fitness, enhance function of lungs of heart of muscle strength, improvement, conduce to the weight that keeps healthy and body configuration.

The common error of middleaged female fitness

  • Decrease blindly heavy: Very much middleaged female can go after thin body blindly, the food and drink that passes an extreme and excessive campaign will decrease heavy, but such meetings bring about the body hidebound with muscle prediction of a person's luck in a given year, right instead healthy cause harm.
  • Pay attention to motion having oxygen only: Motion having oxygen is healthy to middleaged female have certain profit, but devoid force training can bring about muscle prediction of a person's luck in a given year and bone density to decrease.
  • Ignore body condition: Very much middleaged female ignores her body condition, the campaign that has high strength blindly trains, cause joint and muscle easily to get hurt.

Scientific middleaged female fitness trains a method

Be aimed at the body characteristic of middleaged female and common error, scientific gymnastical training method should include motion having oxygen and the union that force trains, pay attention to body flexibility and balance ability rise. The athletic way that the proposal chooses to suit his undertakes taking exercise, fall in the guidance of professional coach reasonable make exercise plan and dietary plan, avoid excessive motion and be on a diet blindly.

In addition, middleaged female should pay attention to warm up and drawing when undertaking fitness trains, avoid violent campaign to cause body harm. Fixed check-up and professional nutrient guidance also are the main factor that keeps healthy.

On the base that undertakes fitness trains scientificly reasonably, middleaged female can rise stage by stage exercise intensity and frequency, make the gymnastical target that suits oneself according to oneself circumstance, if enhance constitution, improvement,posture perhaps increases athletic capacity.

Anyhow, middleaged female fitness is an important life style, improve body condition through undertaking gymnastical training can help middleaged woman scientificly reasonably, improve life quality, raise self-confident heart to wait.

The thank reads the article, hope to middleaged female friends can be helped somewhat, let health and vigor accompanying you all the time.

