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  • 全面性:平台整合了各类安全教育资源,涵盖校园安全的方方面面,为全面推进安全教育提供了保障。
  • 定制化:平台根据不同年龄段学生的特点,定制了相应的安全教育课程和活动,使安全教育更加贴近学生的生活和成长。
  • 互动性:平台提供了丰富多彩的安全教育活动,通过线上线下结合的形式,增强了学生、教师和家长参与安全教育的互动性。
  • 实效性:平台倡导安全教育理念和技能,注重实践操作,努力使安全教育知识和技能转化为实际行动。



  • 促进全市校园安全教育资源的共享和协同,提升安全教育的整体效能和水平。
  • 强化学校、家庭和社会的合力,形成多方共同参与的良好局面,共同维护学生的安全成长。
  • 提高学生的安全意识和自护能力,有效预防和应对各类安全事件,保障校园安全稳定。
  • 加强教师和家长的安全教育意识,使安全教育成为全社会共识,为广大师生营造良好的安全氛围。




In recent years, fontal state city obtained great progress in safe education field, build more perfect safety to teach new system for compose, the campus that help strength is safe, safety of fontal state city teachs platform emerge as the times require.

Platform introduction

Safety of fontal state city teachs platform is an omnibus platform that faces the school, teacher, student and parent, the campus security education that aims to be fontal state city offers all-around supportive kimono Wu. Platform is integrated substantial safety teachs resource, include to teach course, safety to teach activity, safety to be on guard the content such as knowledge, for campus security education provided powerful support.

Main characteristic

Safety of fontal state city teachs the main characteristic of platform to include:

  • Comprehensive sex: Platform is integrated of all kinds safety teachs resource, cover the square respect range of campus security, provided safeguard to advance safe education in the round.
  • Custom-built change: Platform basis is different the characteristic of age Duan Xuesheng, custom-built corresponding safe education courses and activity, make safety is taught more the life of student of press close to and grow.
  • Interactive sex: Platform offerred the safety of rich and colorful to teach an activity, leave combinative form through the line on the line, enhanced student, teacher and parent to participate in the interactive sex of safe education.
  • Actual effect sex: Platform advocates safety to teach concept and skill, pay attention to practice operation, make safe education knowledge and skill translate into act actually hard.

Meaning and value

Safety of fontal state city teachs the construction of platform, security of campus of whole to driving town teachs the job to have principal port and value:

  • Promote what security of whole town campus teachs resource to share chime to be the same as, promote the whole of safe education efficiency and standard.
  • Aggrandizement learns the join forces of school, family and society, form the favorable situation that participates in jointly with all possible means, the safety that defends a student jointly grows.
  • Consciousness mixes the security that enhances a student to protect ability oneself, prevent effectively and answer of all kinds and safe incident, safeguard campus security is stable.
  • The security that enhances teacher and parent teachs consciousness, make safe education becomes whole society consensus, build good safe atmosphere for broad teachers and students.

Safety of fontal state city teachs platform roll out, not only compose built a brand-new safe education to serve a system, it is to be each to just devoted oneself to campus security to offer jointly more more convenient with efficient working platform, hopeful is the motive force with the powerful infuse of campus security career of fontal state city.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass safety of fontal state city to teach the construction of platform, the campus security of the city that it is a spring the career brings more helps.

