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  • 跑步机: 对于想要快速消耗热量的人群来说,跑步机是一个很好的选择。它能够在短时间内燃烧大量热量,加强心肺功能,对减肥效果明显。
  • 哑铃: 哑铃训练可以增加肌肉质量,提高基础代谢率,同时能够燃烧脂肪,是塑形减脂的利器。
  • 动感单车: 动感单车同样是一种很好的有氧运动方式,能够有效锻炼下半身肌肉,减少脂肪堆积,达到塑形减脂的效果。
  • 划船机: 划船机模拟划船动作,能够全面锻炼身体各部分肌肉,消耗大量热量,是一种非常全面的有氧运动方式。
  • 踏步机: 踏步机能够很好地锻炼下半身肌肉,加强心肺功能,是一种适合新手的器械,能够快速消耗热量,有利于减肥。



  • 适合程度: 要选择自己感兴趣、适合自己的器械,这样才会有动力坚持下去。
  • 经济条件: 考虑自己的经济条件,不要盲目追求昂贵的健身器材,而导致资源浪费。
  • 空间大小: 要考虑自己的居住空间,不要购买过大的器械,导致使用不便。
  • 健身目的: 根据自己的健身目的来选择器械,是减肥还是增肌,或者是锻炼心肺功能。






Modern life rhythm is fast, more and more people begin to pay close attention to posture health, the hope achieves the goal of form of model reducing weight through fitness. But the gymnastical equipment that faces full of beautiful things in eyes, a lot of people do not know how to choose ability to reduce weight quickly. The article will be aimed at to table a proposal of this one problem, to a few kinds common fitness equipment undertakes evaluating, help you find the gymnastical material that suits your most, reach goal reducing weight quickly.

What fitness equipment reduces weight the fastest?

Want to reduce weight quickly, the gymnastical equipment that chooses to suit oneself is crucial. Want to choose according to experience of body state of the individual, fitness and be fond of above all. It is a few kinds of common fitness equipment below, they have each in the action in reducing weight different.

  • Ran machine: Use up caloric crowd quickly to wanting for, ran machine is a very good choice. It can burn inside short time a large number of quantity of heat, strengthen heart lungs function, apparent to decreasing fertilizer efficiency fruit.
  • Dumbbell: Dumbbell training can increase muscle quality, raise basal metabolis rate, can burn at the same time adipose, it is the sharp weapon that model form reduces fat.
  • Use feeling bicycle: Using feeling bicycle is way of a kind of very good movement having oxygen likewise, can exercise muscle of below half body effectively, reduce adipose accumulation, achieve model form to reduce the effect of fat.
  • Row machine: Row machine imitate rows movement, can exercise in the round each part muscle, use up a large number of quantity of heat, it is pattern of a kind of very overall motion having oxygen.
  • Footfall machine: Footfall function exercises muscle of below half body well quite, strengthen heart lungs function, it is a kind of appliance that fits a new hand, can use up quantity of heat quickly, be helpful for reducing weight.

How to choose to suit oneself gymnastical equipment?

When choosing gymnastical equipment, purpose of the body state that wants him foundation, fitness and economic condition have integrated consideration. In addition, consider the following aspects even:

  • Suit degree: Should choose oneself to be interested, the appliance that suits oneself, such ability can have motivation to hold on.
  • Economic condition: Consider oneself economic condition, go after costly gymnastical equipment not blindly, and bring about resources waste.
  • Dimensional size: Want to consider oneself living space, had not bought big weapon, cause use inconvenience.
  • Gymnastical purpose: Will choose appliance according to oneself gymnastical purpose, it is to reduce weight to still add muscle, perhaps exercise heart lungs function.


The effect that different gymnastical equipment produces in process reducing weight has each different, want to choose to fit oneself ability get twice the result with half the effort. When choosing gymnastical equipment, want many sided consideration, follow suit not blindly, find the gymnastical material that suits oneself truly only, ability holds on, achieve the goal of form of model reducing weight finally.

Thank you to read the article, hope the gymnastical equipment that chooses to suit oneself to you is helped somewhat.

