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  • 热干面:湖北省的传统名吃之一,面条劲道爽滑,配上特制的辣酱,香辣可口。
  • 过桥米线:以鲜、烫、嫩、鲜为特点,是汉口的一道传统名菜。
  • 莲藕粉蒸肉:选用当地产的莲藕和猪肉,蒸制而成,口感细腻香甜。
  • 干炸丸子:外酥里嫩,味道鲜美,是湖北当地的特色小吃。
  • 三鲜豆腐:将鲜肉、虾仁、蟹粉包入豆腐中,烹制而成,口感鲜美。







Lake North America feeds culture

Hubei saves the land that regards China as famous cate, have the cate culture of rich diversity. Its individual situation and substantial natural resources, be pregnant with numerous and delicate cate, love by local and tourist.

Hubei characteristic cate

Hubei cate is given priority to with face of fish, flesh, rice should feed capable person, pay attention to tasty with cook ability law celebrated. Among them, famous Hubei characteristic cate has:

  • Heat works a side: The traditional name that Hubei omits eats one of, bright of noodle interest path slips, deserve to go up tailor-made thick chili sauce, sweet hot goluptious.
  • Cross bridge rice line: It is a characteristic with bright, very hot, tender, delicacy, a traditional name dish that is Chinese mouth.
  • Flesh of evaporate of lotus lotus root starch: Choose the lotus lotus root that place produces and pork, evaporate is made and become, mouthfeel is exquisite and sweet.
  • Do croquette: Outside crisp in tender, flavour is delicious, the characteristic that is Hubei place is fastfood.
  • 3 bright bean curd: In including fresh pork, shelled fresh shrimps, crab meat bean curd, cook and become, mouthfeel is delicious.

The historical origin of Hubei cate

Hubei cate history is long, of long standing and well established. Its distinctive geographical environment and humanitarian history, the formation of cate of the north that it is a lake and development provided rich nourishment. In endless historical endless flow, hubei cate is mixed with its distinctive local color cooking craft, became the jewel of a bright in China cate treasury.


Through understanding the cate culture of Hubei, we can appreciate the cate of local rich and colorful not only, can feel the quality with Hubei people hospitable enthusiasm more. Believe to be in the brigade of the cate of Hubei, you can keep unforgettable cate memory surely.

Thank you to read the article, the help of cate respect is sought in hoping these information can travel in Hubei for you.

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