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Behaviour is a person shows pattern of expressional a kind of behavior in daily life, it affects moral character accomplishment of the individual and social figure. The behaviour stand or fall of a person matters to the individual's achievement and social evaluation directly. Look in me, foster good conduct to need to have certain accomplishment and active state of mind, I share combinative oneself experience a few individual summary and proposal below.

Establish correct philosophy and viewpoint of value

The behaviour of a person suffers the effect of its philosophy and viewpoint of value. Establish correct philosophy and viewpoint of value to be able to help us establish true life to direct, accomplish behavior behavior is decent, conduct oneself in society sedate. In daily life, we should make clear our life aim, establish right value idea, accomplish active up, honest be as good as one's word. This kind the influence of energy is met in the behaviour that ground of exert a subtle influence on blends in us.

Self-discipline and self-communion

Self-discipline is the important safeguard of good conduct, it needs to we are restrained conciously and agree its behavior is normative. For example, get up on time, finish the job, wholesome convention that keeps good on time to wait, these are autonomic expression. In the meantime, we often also should undertake introspection and summary to oneself, discover the problem that oneself exists is corrected in time, this conduces to the level that raises ego management, promote the promotion of behaviour then.

Pay attention to detail, pay attention to formal

In daily life, detail and formal the culture that often can reflect a person and quality. For instance, bearing of the way one speaks or what he says when the ways one gets along with others wants decent and decent, face to bring a smile, notice courteous diction to wait, these little detail can reflect the behaviour that gives a person. Accordingly, we should pay attention to detail, pay attention to formal, in the life education gives elegant and decent figure.

Civilized accomplishment and social responsibility

The civilized accomplishment of a person and social sense of responsibility also are the one part of behaviour. It is no matter still be in communal circumstance in daily life, want to abide by social morals, esteem other, notice oneself words and deeds behaves, also want to assume the social responsibility that has oneself at the same time, make positive contribution for the society. Had such accomplishment and sense of responsibility only, ability forms good conduct truly.


As a whole, foster good conduct to need us to have Xiu Lian and promotion ceaselessly in daily life. Establish correct philosophy and viewpoint of value only, autonomic self-communion, pay attention to detail and formal, have civilized accomplishment and social sense of responsibility at the same time, we just can perfect ourselves ceaselessly in the life, establish good life figure.

Thank you to read the article, hope these individual summary and share can help you, let you be on the way that develops good conduct more do a job with skill and ease.

