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文化部官方网站 | 文化政策、文化产业、文化遗产等详细信息英文双语对照


文化部官方网站 | 文化政策、文化产业、文化遗产等详细信息英文双语对照













Website of culture ministry government

The official information that website of culture ministry government is branch of Chinese country culture releases platform, aim to provide the detailed information that waits for a respect about bequest of industry of culture policy, culture, culture to the public. The article will introduce the main content of this website and function, help reader understands better and use this one authoritative platform.

Culture policy

Basically release platform website of culture ministry government is national culture policy, include culture to develop guideline of activity of policy of industry of program, culture, culture to wait. Pass this website, the user can understand a country to be moved toward to the newest deploy of culture domain and policy, have important and referenced value to be engaged in culture industry or the personage that pay close attention to culture development.

Culture industry

The important proponent that regards culture as the industry and the person that superintend, the substantial information such as data of case of the policy code that official website offerred culture ministry to wait for an industry about design of movie and TV, artistic, originality, experience, market. These content to be engaged in the entrepreneur of relevant industry, person that create and investor character, have main direct effect.

Culture bequest

China has long culture history and rich culture bequest resource, the respect such as bequest of protection, immaterial to cultural relic culture, world culture bequest undertook website of culture ministry government detailed introduction and conduct propaganda. For the civilian organization to protection of attention culture bequest and inheritance, lover and investigator, a large number of useful information and resource can be found on the website.

Other function

Besides afore-mentioned key content, website of culture ministry government still offerred culture activity to release, a variety of practical functions such as recruit of culture orgnaization inquiry, volunteer, provided convenient service platform for broad culture worker and lover.

Anyhow, website of culture ministry government condensed substantial culture natural resources and authoritative policy information, to paying close attention to culture the development, crowd that is engaged in bequest of culture of culture industry, research, have important reference and help value. Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

