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1. 儿童应该每天摄入多少蔬菜和水果?


2. 孩子经常吃零食有害健康吗?


3. 儿童应该多喝牛奶吗?


4. 孩子怎样才能获得足够的蛋白质?


5. 儿童可以吃坚果吗?


6. 如何让孩子养成良好的饮食习惯?


7. 孩子应该多喝水吗?


8. 孩子不爱吃早餐怎么办?


9. 儿童应该避免哪些不健康的饮食习惯?


10. 家长应该如何正确引导孩子的饮食?




Children health food: 10 when you should know common problems are solved

Children health food gets attention fully all the time, to the parent, accurate dietary knowledge is crucial. We solve a few common problems about children health food below, let you understand dietary requirement of the child more.

1.How many vegetable and fruit should children absorb everyday?

To children, absorb everyday5 vegetable and fruitIt is very important. This conduces to complement vitamin, mineral with fiber, stimulative health grows.

2.The child often is snack harmful and healthy?

Overmuch snacks absorbs a likelihood to bring about the child to had absorbed polysaccharide cent and insalubrious adipose, increase fat the risk with dental caries, accordingly the parent should restrict the childSnacks is absorbed.

3.Should children drink milk more?

Milk is the calcic qualitative origin with indispensable children, but the parent should noticeThe intake of milk, overmuch milk may affect the child's appetite.

4.How can the child just obtain enough protein?

Besides the flesh kind with fish, legume goods, egg kind etc also is very good protein origin. The parent should ensure the child hasOf diversification prandial, in order to obtain enough protein.

5.Can children have nut?

Right amount nut is healthy snacks choice to children, but the parent should noticePrevent child choke to feed, avoid to be absorbed too much.

6.The food that how makes child nurturance good is used to?

The parent can set an example through example, the food of diversification chooses andInteresting cooking activity, develop the child's good food habit.

7.Should the child drink water more?

The moisture that keeps enough is absorbed crucial to children health, the parent should encourage the childDrink water more, it is especially when motion or weather are torrid.

8.Doesn't the child love how to have breakfast to do?

The parent can try to offerDiversiform breakfast chooses, build good breakfast convention at the same time, let the child realize the value of breakfast.

9.What insalubrious food custom should children avoid?

Children should avoid overmuch candy cent to absorb, longElectronic product accompanies eatAnd the insalubrious dietary habit such as the deepfry food of excessive.

10.How should the parent guide the child's food correctly?

The parent is OK with the child togetherThe program is prandial, notice nutrition diversification of balanced, food, approbate and encourage what give the obverse side.

The solution of hope above problem can help the parent understand knowledge of children health food better, provide more scientific, more healthy food environment for the child. Thank you read!

