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Equipment pregnant phase

For the couple that wants the child to preparation, Equipment pregnantPhase is crucial. Above all, connubial both sides should maintain good habits and customs, this includes balanced diet, right amount motion and time of good work and rest. Maintain health of body and mind crucial to prepotent actor Yo.

In addition, the female should undertake groovy check-up, ensure body in order. If chronic illness needs treatment, must undertake below the doctor's guidance, adjust medicaments in time. Additional folic acid also is the important step of equipment pregnant, because enough folic acid can lower a new life the occurence rate with divine unbalanced be in charge of.

Conceive the health care between pregnancy

Once be pregnant, the food that the female needs to take her seriously more and rest. Need is absorbed more high grade protein, vitamin and mineral, especially calcic, iron and zinc. In the meantime, smoking, drink to be absorbed with exceeding caffein should avoid, because these meetings are right fetal development is adverse.

Besides the attention food, pregnant woman still needs to undertake antenatal check-up of the rule, follow the doctor's advice additional folic acid and other and necessary vitamin. Pregnancy indisposition also wants timely seek medical advice, cannot ignore.

Antenatal preparation

The final phase of pregnancy, parents should begin to prepare to salute the advent of new student life. It is to should choose appropriate hospital and doctor above all, prepare the relevant file of childbirth and data. In addition, decorate a new student even meticulously room, prepare the article such as infantile bed, clothings, diaper.

Right now, for the couple to be about to become father and mother, the preparation of mentally is very important also. Attend antenatal to teach course ahead of schedule, know a new life nurse and lactation knowledge, can salute the advent of new role better.

The health of darling grows

After baby is born, parents should pay close attention to darling particularlyNurse dailyGrow with health. It is very important that scientific and regular feed, reasonable inchoate education and good habits and customs grow to the health of darling.

Besides, the vaccinate of darling also is the important segment that safeguard darling health grows. According to vaccinate manual, finish the vaccinate of darling in time, prevent a variety of happening that can prevent a disease effectively.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article is right you can provide a few helps in process of children of be pregnant with.

