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  • 贯彻执行国家、省教育方针政策,制定地方教育工作发展规划、政策、法规;
  • 组织实施义务教育,加强对学校的指导、监督和评估;
  • 推动教育信息化建设,提高教育教学的质量和水平;
  • 加强师资队伍建设,提升教师的教育教学水平;
  • 推进学前教育、中等职业教育、高等教育以及继续教育的均衡发展;
  • 加强学校安全工作,确保校园安全;
  • 完成上级交办的其他教育行政管理任务。



  • 推进教育信息化建设,构建数字化教育生态系统,促进信息技术与教育教学深度融合;
  • 坚持素质教育,注重学生身心健康全面发展,推动学校办学方式转变;
  • 加强师资队伍建设,提高教师教学水平和专业能力;
  • 促进教育公平,完善城乡教育资源配置,推动教育均衡发展;
  • 推动学校安全工作,确保师生安全;
  • 着力解决群众办学需求,推进教育督导和校外培训机构规范发展。





Cupreous hill city teachs the duty of the bureau

Bureau of education of cupreous hill city is service of education of government of people of cupreous hill city, the unity that is in charge of whole town teaching the job is led and manage. Its are main duty includes:

  • Carry out executive country, province policy of policy for education, make a place teach the job to develop program, policy, code;
  • The organization implements compulsory education, the guidance that strengthens pair of schools, supervise and evaluate;
  • Urge educational informatization construction, raise the quality that teachs teacher and student and level;
  • Strengthen faculty construction, promote pedagogic education education standard;
  • Advance education of preschool education, medium profession, higher education and the balanced development that continue to teach;
  • Strengthen school security to work, ensure campus is safe;
  • The superior that finish makes the job of other education administration that do.

Cupreous hill city teachs the working focal point of the bureau

In recent years, bureau of education of cupreous hill city is advancing education fairness of modern, stimulative education, raised educational quality respect to make vigorous effort, its work to basically reflect mainly in the following respects:

  • Advance educational informatization construction, compose builds digitlization to teach ecosystem, stimulative IT and educational education deepness are shirt-sleeve;
  • Hold to quality education, pay attention to health of student body and mind to develop in the round, drive school education means to transform;
  • Strengthen faculty construction, increase pedagogic education level and professional capacity;
  • Stimulative education is fair, perfect configuration of natural resources of urban and rural education, promote education balanced development;
  • Drive school security to work, ensure teachers and students is safe;
  • Exert oneself resolves masses education demand, advance education superintend and director guides and outside school grooms orgnaization standard develops.

The achievement of bureau of education of cupreous hill city and look into

Bureau of education of cupreous hill city teachs administration department as the place, strengthen oneself construction ceaselessly, promote the job efficiency, gained remarkable success. Future, cupreous hill city teachs bureau general to be core in order to raise educational quality and stimulative education fairness, continue to increase educational investment, further improvement teachs education condition, stimulative industry is carried upgrade character, raise a student ceaselessly integrated quality and society get used to ability. In the meantime, will strengthen faculty construction, strict school manages, push educational education reform, build the educational natural resources with better more hard, enterprise of education of city of hill of the copper that help strength develops in the round.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope understands bureau of education of cupreous hill city to be helped somewhat to you.

