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Plain Tibet line, be located in China the plain Tibet western is downy, it is a of Chengdu of Chinese churchyard join and Lhasa main road, also be the altitude on the world one of highway with most apparent change of highest, climate. This circuitry passed through arteries and veins of Qinghai-Tibet Platean, the Himalayas, countless ridges and peaks, river mixes by way of laky, be known as " the most beautiful highway on the world " , attracting countless asses friend and traveler to come round to explore.

Exploration plain hides the glamour of the line

Plain Tibet line makes an appointment with 2150 kilometers endlong, on the way the scenery is varied, included the Buddhist sacred place of the laky, mystery of gallant snow mountain, azure blue, and individual Tibetian amorous feelings. Travel of drive car along the line, can admire strong beautiful natural scene, experience the culture breath of different district, different people, it is the brigade of distinctive culture and natural and shirt-sleeve experience.

The historical value of plain Tibet line

Of plain Tibet line build from on 50 time begin the century, experienced countless hardships pinch. This circuitry provided convenient communication for area of join China inland and Tibet, also made join China civilization and the tie of culture Tibetan the ground. The history such as building of on the way cloister, religion, ancient a plank road built along a cliff is vestigial, witnessed China western the culture development of the area and historical changes, have important history and culture value.

The challenge of plain Tibet line and strategy

However, plain Tibet line also is mixed because of its special geographical environment complex climate condition, brought huge challenge to the person that drive and traveler. High height above sea level, abrupt hill road, changeful weather, bring test possibly to viatic safety and vehicle reliability. Accordingly, the vehicle that plans enough, choice to suit, toward plain Tibet line key before abiding by local regulation to become is politic.

Thank you read

Pass an article, the hope can show the distinctive glamour of plain Tibet line and historical value for you, also can offer a few basic journey strategy, let you have more thorough knowledge to the most beautiful highway on this world. Thank you to read, wish you journey is happy!

