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The new challenge that learns remotely

Since epidemic situation since erupting, net class has become the new normal state that we learn daily. To me, the life that studies me remotely brought a lot of changes and new challenge. At the beginning, I support distrustful attitude to this kind of new pattern, but the elapse as time, I had very big change to the feeling that learns remotely.

Learn efficiency and time government

Learn me remotely most the problem that one of about-face are study efficiency and time government. On traditional classroom, the teacher can give feedback in time and supervise, and go up in net class, I need more him support. I realize, want to hold efficient study position in the home, I need to arrange my time better, sound program learns the task and breathing space.

Lack the challenge that communicates face-to-face

Besides the issue that studies efficiency, long-range study still makes me more obvious ground feeling got lack the challenge that communicates place to bring face-to-face. Be in the school, I can exchange discussion issue directly with classmates, and go up in net class, this kind of communication becomes more difficult. I try to remedy this one flaw through discussing on the line with group project, but also realize face-to-face communication and thinking collision cannot be replaced.

Technical application and network pressure

Additional, long-range study also makes me more deep cut the pressure that geography saw technical importance and network bring. During net class, I must learn to use all sorts of online study platform and tool, this let me have brand-new knowledge to technical application. Meanwhile, network connective is not stabilized and technical breakdown also became me to need answered question in learning remotely.


Although learned my life remotely to bring a lot of challenge and change, but I also gained a lot of valuable experience from which. I learned to run time better, increase own study capacity, get used to new technical environment, these will review to my futurology and the job produces positive effect.

Thank you to read the article, hope the challenge that understands long-range study to you and change are helped somewhat.

