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1. 租车方式


  • 自驾租车: 对于喜欢自由安排行程、追求自驾游体验的游客来说,自驾租车是个不错的选择。需要注意的是,出租车辆的性能、保险、押金、租金和车况检查等方面的问题。
  • 包车服务: 对于不熟悉成都的游客或者商务人士,包车服务是个更为便捷舒适的选择。包车一般分为半日租车和全日租车,可以根据自己的行程需求来选择。

2. 注意事项


  • 首先,选择正规的汽车租赁公司,可以减少很多不必要的麻烦。建议选择有一定知名度和口碑的租车公司,避免一些小作坊式的租车提供方。
  • 其次,仔细阅读合同条款,特别是对于保险赔付、违章罚款、车辆损坏等方面应有充分了解,避免在使用过程中出现纠纷。
  • 最后,检查车辆的完好程度和相关手续,如保险、年检等,确保在租车过程中可以畅通无阻。

3. 服务选择



  • 车辆品牌和型号的选择
  • 租金和押金的合理性
  • 租车时的油费和里程限制
  • 服务质量和售后保障




In recent years, the travel of the Chengdu City and business affairs give a demand to increase gradually, because this car hires a service,also become increasingly important. No matter be,business affairs is away on official business, the car that the choice relies on chart hires a firm crucial. Wu of kimono of the means that the article rents introductory Chengdu car, note chooses, help you plan to go out better row.

1.Hire car pattern

In Chengdu, the means that rent a car basically is divided hire to be driven oneself car and rent a car serve two kinds.

  • Drive oneself rent a car: Swim to liking to arrange the journey, pursuit to be driven oneself freely for the tourist of the experience, drive oneself renting a car is a right choice. Those who need an attention is, the function of rental car, safe, cash pledge, hire is mixed the problem of the respect such as car condition examination.
  • Rent a car service: The tourist to not be familiar with Chengdu or business affairs personage, rent a car the service is a more convenient and comfortable choice. Rent a car general component rents a car to hire car and full day half days, can choose according to oneself travel demand.


When choice Chengdu car hires a service, a few notes need to be remembered well in the heart.

  • Above all, choose normal car to hire a firm, can reduce a lot of needless troubles. The proposal chooses to have certain and famous degree of company renting a car with public praise, prevent type of a few small mill hire a car to offer square.
  • Next, read contract article carefully, pay to insurance compensate especially, the respect such as attaint of amerce of violate the rules and regulations, car is due and sufficient understanding, dispute appears in avoiding to using a process.
  • Finally, examine the whole level of car and relevant procedures, wait like safe, yearly check, it is OK in the process that rent a car to ensure straightway.

3.Service selection

Chengdu has numerous car to rent service provider, when choosing the service that rent a car accordingly, need contrast hires the service content of car company and price each, the choice suits the service of own demand.

A few commendatory choice levels include:

  • The choice of car brand and model
  • The rationality of hire and cash pledge
  • Hire the fat fee when the car and limitation of course of development
  • Serve the safeguard after quality and carry out

As a whole, to the short-term demand that rent a car, want to pay close attention to the price of hire and cash pledge above all. To hiring car demand for a long time, consider to hire the after service safeguard of car company even, come to help for example the processing after service, car damages.

Pass the information of above, believe you had been rented to Chengdu car had clearer knowledge. When choice car hires a service, choose carefully without fail, ensure the distance is great and comfortable. Thank you to read the article, the hope delimits to your guild regulations help somewhat.

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