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科学育儿宝典: 从0到6岁,孩子成长全攻略英文双语对照


科学育儿宝典: 从0到6岁,孩子成长全攻略英文双语对照

科学育儿宝典: 从0到6岁



新生儿喂养: 母乳和配方奶的喂养方法,新生儿喂养的时间和频率。饮食的质量和种类对新生儿的成长至关重要,正确的喂养方式可以减少疾病的发生。

睡眠: 新生儿的睡眠方式和睡眠时间的规律,新生儿的睡眠环境的要求,学习如何处理新生儿的睡眠问题。


早期教育: 如何运用游戏和活动促进孩子的发展,培养他们的智力和情商,注意力和想象力等。

言语发展: 幼儿时期语言习得的步骤和方法,如何帮助孩子扩展词汇量和语言表达能力,以及如何与幼儿进行有效的沟通交流。

情绪管理: 怎样处理幼儿的情绪问题,帮助他们正确理解和表达自己的情感,教会他们适当的情绪应对技巧。


适当惩罚: 如何进行适当的严肃处罚和奖励,帮助孩子建立适当的行为规范。

社交能力: 帮助孩子培养良好的人际交往能力,让孩子自信、友善并且乐于助人。

成长环境: 适当的学习和游戏环境,孩子生活的空间及时间的安排。



Scientific Yo jewel: From 0 arrive 6 years old

What grow in the child is itinerary in, good Yo means is crucial. Be born from the child, this paragraph of time is the crucial period that models their behavior and habit. About the proposal too numerous to mention one by one that the infant brings up, but what is just true the science, practical, breeding method that accords with child growing rule? The scientific Yo that the article will offer an authoritative full and accurate for you jewel, help you know the crucial place that how passes each level, build favorable growing environment for the child.

New student level

New student feed: Mother milk and the feed method that the recipe suckles, new student the time of feed and frequency. Dietary quality and sort are right new student grow crucial, right feed kind can reduce the happening of the disease.

Morpheus: New student the rule of Morpheus means and Morpheus time, new student the requirement of Morpheus environment, if why study treats a new life Morpheus problem.

Cheeper phase

Inchoate education: How to apply game and activity to promote the child's development, the intelligence that fosters them and affection business, attention and imagination.

Utterance develops: The measure that cheeper period language reviews and method, how to help the child expand vocabulary and language convey ability, and how to undertake with cheeper effective communication communicates.

Mood management: How to handle the mood issue of cheeper, help the feeling that they understand correctly and expresses oneself, their proper mood answers church skill.

The phase before school age

Appropriate punishment: How to have appropriate severe punishment and money reward, help child establishs proper behavior standard.

Gregarious ability: Help child develops good human association ability, make the child self-confidence, affable and be happy to help a person.

Growing environment: Proper study and game environment, the space that the child lives reachs the arrangement of time.

Pass this scientific Yo jewel, the hope can help you understand the requirement of each phase that the child grows better, offer for the child be bred appropriately and care. Thank you read!
