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1. 卧推:卧推是增加胸肌力量和质量的基本动作。通过调整卧推的角度和手部握法,可以更加有效地刺激胸大肌的不同部位,进而促进胸肌的增长。

2. 哑铃飞鸟:哑铃飞鸟是一种可以有效拉伸胸部肌肉的动作,可以让胸部肌肉更好地得到拉伸和放松,促进胸围的增长。

3. 交叉夹胸:通过交叉夹胸动作,可以更好地刺激胸肌的内侧部分,帮助胸肌更加均匀地发展,使胸围更加丰满。

4. 俯身飞鸟:俯身飞鸟是一种可以有效刺激胸大肌下部的动作,可以让胸肌更全面地得到锻炼,从而增加胸围。

5. 定期改变训练计划:定期改变训练计划,包括训练的次数、组数、重量等,可以让胸肌得到更好的刺激,促进胸围的增长。




5 gymnastical bust is long effective methods

Want to have strong chest muscle, need scientific and reasonable training method and the effort that perserve. 5 effective methods will introduce below, help you increase a bust in gymnastical process.

1.Lie push: Lie pushing is the main action that increases chest muscle force and quality. Lie through adjusting the point of view that push and hand ministry hold a way, can stimulate the different position of pectoralis major effectively, promote the growth of chest muscle then.

2.Dumbbell flyer: Dumbbell flyer is movement of sarcous of bosom of a kind of OK and effective drawing, can let bosom muscle get drawing is mixed better loosen, the growth of stimulative bust.

3.Across places a bosom: Place pectoral movement through across, can excite the inside share of chest muscle better, more even ground develops help chest muscle, make a bust more plump.

4.Fu body flyer: Fu body flyer is a kind of OK and effective exciting pectoralis major lower movement, can make chest muscle more comprehensive the ground gets taking exercise, increase a bust thereby.

5.Fixed change trains a plan: Fixed change trains a plan, number of the number that includes training, set, weight, can let chest muscle get better stimulation, the growth of stimulative bust.

Through above the science of 5 methods trains, can help you increase a bust, have more strong chest muscle.

Thank you to read the article, hope to you with upper part law fitness trains to be helped somewhat.
