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历史上的今天 ‧ 滑铁卢战役


历史上的今天 ‧ 滑铁卢战役

  • 滑铁卢战役是世界历史上的一次重要战役,它不仅结束了拿破仑的统治,也对欧洲乃至世界历史产生了深远的影响。


    On June 18, 1815, the Battle of Waterloo took place near the small Belgian town of Waterloo. This battle was the final decisive battle of the Napoleonic Wars, where Napoleon's French army faced the anti-French coalition forces composed of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Hanover, and others. In this battle, Napoleon's forces were ultimately defeated, leading to his abdication and exile to the island of Saint Helena, ending his political and military career.


    • Battle of Waterloo - 滑铁卢战役
    • Napoleonic Wars - 拿破仑战争
    • anti-French coalition - 反法联盟
    • exile - 流放
    • abdication - 退位
    • military career - 军事生涯
    • political career - 政治生涯
    • decisive battle - 决定性战斗


    The Battle of Waterloo was a pivotal moment in history that marked the end of Napoleon Bonaparte's rule over France. Napoleon, who had escaped from exile on the island of Elba, returned to power for a brief period known as the Hundred Days. His forces clashed with the Allied armies in Belgium, led by the Duke of Wellington, in a battle that lasted from dawn until nightfall. The French army was ultimately overwhelmed, and Napoleon was forced to abdicate for the second time, leading to his permanent exile on the remote island of Saint Helena.



    • pivotal moment - 关键时刻
    • Napoleon Bonaparte - 拿破仑·波拿巴
    • rule - 统治
    • Hundred Days - 百日王朝
    • Allied armies - 盟军
    • Duke of Wellington - 威灵顿公爵
    • clash - 冲突
    • dawn until nightfall - 从黎明到黄昏
    • overwhelmed - 被压倒
    • abdicate - 退位
    • permanent exile - 永久流放