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5篇英语作文:一诺千金 Promise is debt


5篇英语作文:一诺千金 Promise is debt

  • 一诺千金,这个成语源自中国古代,意指一个人一旦承诺了某事,就应当坚守承诺,其价值重于千金。在现代社会,这一原则依然被广泛推崇,它体现了诚信和责任感的重要性。

    作文一:The Value of a Promise

    A promise is a sacred bond, a commitment that carries the weight of one's honor. In a world where trust is a precious commodity, keeping one's word is akin to valuing gold. When we make a promise, we are not merely pledging to perform an action; we are affirming our reliability and integrity.

    The story of a young boy who returned a lost wallet to its owner, despite the temptation of the money inside, is a testament to the principle "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold." His action not only earned him respect but also highlighted the virtue of honesty.

    In life, we must cherish the promises we make, for they define our character. Let us honor our commitments and uphold the value of a promise, for it is truly worth its weight in gold.





    • Promise: 承诺
    • Commitment: 承诺
    • Trust: 信任
    • Reliability: 可靠性
    • Integrity: 诚信
    • Testimony: 证明
    • Principle: 原则
    • Honesty: 诚实

    作文二:Honor Your Word

    Honoring one's word is the cornerstone of integrity. The phrase "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold" resonates deeply, reminding us of the importance of keeping our commitments. It is not the size of the promise that matters, but the sincerity behind it.

    Consider the example of a dedicated teacher who promised to improve her students' grades. Through hard work and dedication, she fulfilled her promise, earning the admiration of all. Her actions exemplify the spirit of "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold."

    In our interactions, let us be as steadfast in our promises as a mountain is to the earth. By doing so, we build a reputation that is solid and unshakeable, a true embodiment of "one's word is as valuable as gold."





    • Honoring: 尊重
    • Cornerstone: 基石
    • Integrity: 正直
    • Commitments: 承诺
    • Sincerity: 诚意
    • Fulfilled: 履行
    • Admiration: 钦佩
    • Steadfast: 坚定的
    • Reputation: 名誉

    作文三:The Power of a Promise

    The power of a promise is immeasurable. It can bridge gaps, mend broken relationships, and inspire action. When we say "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold," we acknowledge the profound impact of upholding one's word.

    A farmer's promise to his ailing son to keep the family farm running is a story that exemplifies this power. Despite numerous challenges, he persevered, turning his promise into reality and demonstrating the strength of commitment.

    Let us make promises with care and keep them with diligence. For in the eyes of the world, "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold," and our actions will reflect the value we place on our word.





    • Immeasurable: 无法衡量的
    • Bridge gaps: 弥合差距
    • Mend: 修复
    • Upholding: 坚守
    • Profound impact: 深远影响
    • Persevered: 坚持不懈
    • Commitment: 承诺

    作文四:The Integrity of Keeping Promises

    Integrity is the quality of being honest and keeping promises. The adage "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold" speaks to the high value we place on this virtue. It is through our actions that we prove the authenticity of our words.

    A businessman who faced financial ruin but chose to honor his commitments, even at great personal cost, is a true embodiment of this principle. His integrity not only saved his reputation but also attracted new opportunities.

    We must all strive to be like him, valuing our promises as if they were gold. By doing so, we build a world based on trust and respect, where "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold" is not just a saying, but a way of life.





    • Integrity: 正直
    • Honest: 诚实的
    • Adage: 谚语
    • Authenticity: 真实性
    • Financial ruin: 财务破产
    • Reputation: 声誉
    • Opportunities: 机会

    作文五:Promises as a Measure of Character

    Promises are not just words; they are a measure of one's character. The phrase "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold" underlines the significance of the promises we make and the importance of keeping them.

    A student who promised to help a classmate with their studies, even sacrificing his own leisure time, displayed the true meaning of this saying. His dedication to his word not only improved his classmate's grades but also deepened their friendship.

    We should all reflect on the promises we make and ensure that we follow through on them. Remember, in the eyes of others, "a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold," and it is through our actions that we define our character.





    • Measure: 衡量
    • Character: 品格
    • Significance: 重要性
    • Sacrificing: 牺牲
    • Leisure time: 休闲时间
    • Dedication: 奉献
    • Follow through: 兑现
    • Define: 定义
