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  • 在人生的旅途中,我们每个人都会遇到各种各样的机会,但并不是每个人都能抓住它们。那些能够抓住机会的人,往往是因为他们已经做好了充分的准备。


    Opportunities are like the wind, they come and go. But when they arrive, it's the prepared mind that captures them. This is the essence of good fortune. Take the story of Tom, a young man who always kept himself ready for the unexpected. When a prestigious tech company announced an internship, he was the only one among his peers with the required skills and experience. His readiness turned the opportunity into a stepping stone to his dream career. Success is not about waiting for the right moment; it's about being ready when the moment arrives.



    • Opportunities: 机遇
    • Prepared mind: 有准备的头脑
    • Capture: 抓住
    • Good fortune: 好运
    • Prestigious: 有声望的
    • Internship: 实习
    • Skills: 技能
    • Experience: 经验
    • Stepping stone: 垫脚石
    • Success: 成功
    • Right moment: 合适的时刻


    Good luck is not a random occurrence; it's the result of hard work and readiness. When the chance to lead a major project came knocking, Lily was the one who opened the door. She had spent countless hours honing her skills and understanding the industry. Her preparedness was the key to her success. It's not about being in the right place at the right time; it's about making the right time wherever you are. The secret to good luck is being prepared for the opportunities that life presents.



    • Good luck: 好运
    • Random occurrence: 随机事件
    • Hard work: 努力工作
    • Readiness: 准备
    • Chance: 机会
    • Lead: 领导
    • Major project: 重大项目
    • Honing: 磨练
    • Skills: 技能
    • Understanding: 理解
    • Industry: 行业
    • Key: 关键
    • Success: 成功
    • Right time: 正确的时间
    • Secret: 秘诀


    Preparation is the cornerstone of seizing opportunities. When the curtain rises on a new venture, those who have prepared are the first to step onto the stage. This was the case for Jack, who, despite the fierce competition, secured a spot in a renowned art exhibition. His relentless pursuit of excellence and readiness to showcase his work paid off. It's not just about having the talent; it's about being ready to display it when the opportunity arises. Good luck is the intersection of opportunity and preparedness.



    • Preparation: 准备
    • Cornerstone: 基石
    • Seizing: 抓住
    • Opportunities: 机遇
    • Curtain rises: 大幕拉开
    • Venture: 事业
    • Step onto the stage: 走上舞台
    • Competition: 竞争
    • Secured: 获得
    • Spot: 位置
    • Renowned: 著名的
    • Art exhibition: 艺术展览
    • Relentless pursuit: 不懈追求
    • Excellence: 卓越
    • Showcase: 展示
    • Talent: 天赋
    • Intersection: 交汇点
    • Opportunity: 机会
    • Preparedness: 准备状态


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