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监控的英语怎么说?_ 英语词汇


监控的英语怎么说?_ 英语词汇

  • 监控器通常指的是用于监视和控制设备或系统运行状态的电子设备。它可以是计算机监视器(即显示器),用于显示计算机生成的图像和文字;也可以是工业监控器,用于实时监控生产线、环境参数等。监控器在安全、生产、环境监测等多个领域都有广泛应用。


    • Monitor: 监控器
    • Display: 显示器
    • Surveillance: 监视
    • Control system: 控制系统
    • Security camera: 安全摄像头
    • Environmental monitoring: 环境监测
    • Production line monitoring: 生产线监控
    • Real-time monitoring: 实时监控
    • CCTV: 闭路电视监控系统

    英语作文:The Importance of Monitors in Modern Society

    In today's fast-paced world, monitors play a vital role in various aspects of our lives. From the computer screens that we interact with daily to the security cameras that watch over our homes and businesses, monitors are indispensable tools for communication, security, and control.

    Computer monitors are essential for our work and leisure. They display information, facilitate communication, and provide entertainment. Meanwhile, industrial monitors help manage and optimize production processes, ensuring efficiency and safety.

    Security monitors are crucial for maintaining peace of mind. They allow us to keep an eye on our surroundings, whether it's for personal safety or the protection of property. Environmental monitors, on the other hand, track changes in our natural world, helping us respond to and mitigate the effects of climate change.

    In essence, monitors are the eyes and ears of modern society, constantly observing and adjusting to the ever-changing landscape around us.






    Person A: Hey, have you seen the new security monitors they've installed in the office? They're state-of-the-art.

    Person B: Yeah, I noticed. They're not just high-definition; they also have night vision capabilities.

    Person A: That's impressive. It really enhances our workplace security.

    Person B: Absolutely, and it's not just about security. The environmental monitors we use are also crucial for tracking temperature and humidity levels.

    Person A: True, they help maintain a comfortable working environment. It's fascinating how technology advances to meet our needs.

    A: 嘿,你看到办公室新安装的安全监控器了吗?它们是最先进的。

    B: 是的,我注意到了。它们不仅高清,还具有夜视功能。

    A: 真令人印象深刻。这真的增强了我们工作场所的安全性。

    B: 的确,不仅仅是安全。我们使用的监控器对于追踪温度和湿度水平也至关重要。

    A: 对,它们帮助维持一个舒适的工作环境。技术的进步真是令人着迷,它满足了我们的需求。

    上一篇:100字英语作文8篇:My New English Teacher