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  • 英语作文一:A Birthday Party to Remember

    Last weekend, I attended a birthday party that was truly unforgettable. The decorations were vibrant, and the atmosphere was lively. There were games, music, and of course, a delicious cake. The highlight was when the birthday boy opened his presents, his eyes sparkling with joy. It was a celebration filled with laughter and warmth.



    • Unforgettable: 难忘的
    • Vibrant: 鲜艳的
    • Atmosphere: 气氛
    • Lively: 活跃的
    • Celebration: 庆祝
    • Sparkling: 闪烁的

    英语作文二:My Best Friend's Surprise Birthday

    My best friend's surprise birthday party was a hit! We kept it a secret for weeks, and the look on her face when she walked in was priceless. There was a piñata, balloons, and a DJ playing her favorite tunes. The surprise was a success, and it's a memory we'll cherish forever.



    • Surprise: 惊喜
    • Hit: 成功
    • Secret: 秘密
    • Priceless: 无价的
    • Piñata: 彩罐
    • DJ: 唱片骑师

    英语作文三:A Birthday Bash with a Twist

    My cousin's birthday bash was full of surprises. There was a magician who amazed us with his tricks, and a photo booth that captured all our silly faces. The food was fantastic, and the company was even better. It was a night to remember, with fun and laughter all around.



    • Bash: 派对
    • Magician: 魔术师
    • Tricks: 技巧
    • Photo booth: 照相亭
    • Silly: 滑稽的
    • Fantastic: 极好的

    英语作文四:A Birthday Party with a Splash

    The birthday party at the pool was a splash! We played water games, enjoyed the sun, and had a blast. The birthday girl was thrilled with her mermaid-themed cake. It was a refreshing and unforgettable experience.



    • Splash: 溅水声,这里指派对
    • Water games: 水上游戏
    • Thrilled: 兴奋的
    • Mermaid-themed: 美人鱼主题

    英语作文五:A Birthday Party with a View

    The birthday party at the rooftop was stunning. We had a panoramic view of the city, and the sunset added a magical touch. The food was exquisite, and the company was delightful. It was a perfect evening, one that I will always remember.



    • Rooftop: 屋顶
    • Panoramic: 全景的
    • Sunset: 日落
    • Exquisite: 精致的
    • Delightful: 令人愉快的

    英语作文六:A Birthday Party in the Park

    The birthday party in the park was a delightful experience. We played hide and seek among the trees, and the laughter echoed through the park. The birthday cake was a hit, and the homemade ice cream was the perfect treat. It was a day filled with joy and fun.



    • Park: 公园
    • Hide and seek: 捉迷藏
    • Echoed: 回荡
    • Homemade: 自制的
    • Treat: 甜点
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