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2024高考英语作文:你的外国好友Jim准备给校报的Asia Today投稿


2024高考英语作文:你的外国好友Jim准备给校报的Asia Today投稿

  • 北京卷:假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的外国好友Jim准备给其校报的Asia Today栏目投稿。得知今年是新中国成立75周年,他打算重点介绍中国的发展成就,发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括建议投稿内容以及就以上建议简要说明理由。词数大约100左右  。


    Dear Jim,

    I'm thrilled to hear about your interest in China's development for the Asia Today column. Here are a few suggestions for your submission:

    1. Economic Growth: Highlight the remarkable economic progress China has made over the past 75 years, especially the transition from a largely agricultural society to a global economic powerhouse.

    2. Technological Advancements: Showcase China's achievements in technology, including its advancements in 5G, AI, and space exploration.

    3. Cultural Preservation and Innovation: Discuss how China has managed to preserve its rich cultural heritage while embracing modernity and innovation.

    4. Green Development: Emphasize the country's commitment to sustainable development and its efforts in combating climate change.

    5. International Cooperation: Mention China's role in fostering international relations and its contributions to global peace and development.

    These topics will provide a comprehensive view of China's achievements and its role in the modern world. I believe they will resonate well with the readers of Asia Today.

    Li Hua


    很高兴听到你对新中国成立75周年的发展成就感兴趣,打算为Asia Today栏目投稿。以下是我对你的投稿内容的一些建议:

    1. 经济增长:突出中国在过去75年中取得的显著经济进步,特别是从以农业为主的社会向全球经济强国的转变。

    2. 科技进步:展示中国在5G、人工智能和太空探索等领域的技术成就。

    3. 文化保护与创新:讨论中国如何在保护丰富文化遗产的同时,拥抱现代性和创新。

    4. 绿色发展:强调中国对可持续发展的承诺以及在应对气候变化方面的努力。

    5. 国际合作:提及中国在促进国际关系和对全球和平与发展的贡献。

    这些话题将全面展示中国的成就及其在现代世界中的角色。我相信它们将与Asia Today的读者产生共鸣。



    Dear Jim,

    Your Asia Today submission on China's 75th anniversary is a great opportunity. I recommend focusing on China's economic ascendancy, technological milestones like 5G and AI, and its environmental initiatives, reflecting a commitment to sustainable growth. Also, touch upon cultural preservation and China's role in global governance, showcasing its contributions to peace and development. These points will resonate with readers interested in China's comprehensive development.

    Li Hua


    你为Asia Today撰写的新中国成立75周年的文章是一个很好的机会。我建议你重点介绍中国的经济崛起、5G和人工智能等技术里程碑,以及它对可持续增长的环保举措。同时,提及文化保护和中国在全球治理中的作用,展示其对和平与发展的贡献。这些要点将引起对中国全面发展感兴趣的读者的共鸣。

