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  1. 海南鸡饭:这是新加坡最具代表性的美食之一,清淡的鸡肉搭配香气扑鼻的米饭,再蘸上特制的姜葱酱,简单却鲜美。
  2. 燴海鲜面:汇集了新加坡的中华和马来美食特色,鲜美的海鲜和浓郁的汤汁,绝对是让人难以忘怀的一道美食。
  3. 榴莲糕:对于敢于尝试的食客来说,榴莲糕是无法错过的甜点,浓浓的榴莲味道与软糯的糕点相融合,美味独特。
  4. 肉骨茶:骨头熬煮出的汤汁混合多种香料,让肉类的鲜美更加突显,配以香喷喷的米饭,是一道令人欲罢不能的美食。
  5. 辣椒蟹:优质的螃蟹与香辣的辣椒酱相结合,给味蕾带来挑战,同时也是新加坡最富盛名的海鲜美食之一。
  6. 咖喱鱼头:鱼头熬煮出的咖喱汁,加上香料和蔬菜的烹饪,形成了口感浓郁的咖喱鱼头,是新加坡深受欢迎的一道美食。
  7. 新加坡辣椒蟹:采用当地特产的辣椒和螃蟹烹饪而成,口感鲜美,香辣可口,绝对是海鲜爱好者不能错过的佳肴。
  8. 榴莲冰淇淋:榴莲是新加坡的特色水果,浓郁的榴莲味加上冰凉爽口的口感,形成了独特的榴莲冰淇淋,是让人念念不忘的甜品。




Singapore eats cate TOP8 surely

Singapore cate is of long standing and well established, gathered together the characteristic cate of each nations such as China, Ma Lai, India, impose the western cooking kind of colony period, formed what have distinguishing feature aloneSingapore cate culture. No matter be in open airButcher centerStill be high-grade dining-room, can taste the cate of savor tunnel. The TOP8 characteristic cate that Singapore eats surely introduces for you below.

  1. Hainan chicken meal: This is Singapore provides one of representative cate most, the rice with delicate chicken collocation tangy aroma, dip in again on tailor-made ginger green sauce, simple delicious however.
  2. seafood face: Assemble the China of Singapore and Malaimei feed characteristic, delicious seafood and full-bodied soup juice, it is to let a person absolutely hard a cate of dismiss from one's mind.
  3. Durian cake: For the deadbeat to daring to try, durian cake is the desert that cannot miss, the cake photograph of thick Durian flavour and soft glutinous is shirt-sleeve, delicate and distinctive.
  4. Fleshy bone tea: The Shang Zhihun that bone infusion gives adds up to a variety of flavor, yield the meat kind delicious more dash forward show, match with appetizing rice, it is the cate of a cannot help doing sth making a person.
  5. Chili crab: High grade crab and sweet hot pepper sauce photograph is united in wedlock, bring a challenge to taste bud, also be Singapore at the same time one of seafood cate of the richest great reputation.
  6. Curry fish head: The curry juice that piscine head infusion gives, add flavor and vegetable cooking, formed the curry fish head with full-bodied mouthfeel, it is a cate with deeply welcome Singapore.
  7. Singapore chili crab: The chili that introduces local special local product is become with crab cooking, mouthfeel is delicious, sweet hot goluptious, it is the cate that seafood fan cannot miss absolutely.
  8. Durian ice-cream: Durian is the characteristic fruit of Singapore, full-bodied Durian flavour adds the mouthfeel that puts cool mouth on the ice, formed distinctive Durian ice-cream, it is the sweetmeats of bear in mind constantly letting a person.

Besides afore-mentioned characteristic cate, singapore still has such asPotato of fish of thin pancake made of millet flour of face of Le sand, Fujian, Durian, blastWaiting for cate also is to be worth to try. Singapore serves as cate, no matter you are to like bitter taste or delicate mouthfeel, always can find the cate that suits oneself.

Thank you to read the article, hope our cate strategy can be in for you the brigade of the cate of Singapore provides a few helps.
