What convict fitness points to is undertake below limited space and equipment condition fitness takes exercise, the fitness that is similar to jail convict place to do trains. Means of this kind of fitness emphasizes using oneself weight to undertake training, do not need gym facility normally, need a few simple weapon only or only the force by oneself.
Convict fitness can be helped not only model a figure, raise fitness, still can promote heart lungs function and endurance. Because it does not accept the restriction of field and equipment, because this can undertake taking exercise at any time and place, very convenient and practical.
Project of typical convict fitness training includes to crouch push-up, situp, greatly, pull-up, these movements are to use oneself weight to undertake taking exercise. Besides main action, still can join training of a few appliance, for instance rope of dumbbell, bounce.
Want to begin convict fitness, need to understand main training action and skill above all, can carry a network the guidance study of professional perhaps coach. Next, should retain truly a relatively safe exercise environment, avoid to get hurt. Finally, want to make sound gymnastical plan according to oneself circumstance, science arranges training content and frequency reasonably.
Convict fitness is applied to want to exercise, but the crowd with time and limited space. Especially those people that cannot head for gym to perhaps do not have gymnastical equipment, convict fitness is a kind of very efficient fitness way.
Convict fitness is a kind of simple and efficient fitness way, it does not accept the restriction of time and field, agree with modern life rhythm the faster, crowd that heads for gym without too much time. Pass convict fitness, you can be mixed in the body that keeps healthy anyplace good posture.
Thank you to read this article, the hope can provide the help about convict fitness for you.