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Inside river nature is wet the distinctive glamour of ground park

Be located in Sichuan provincial of river cityInside river nature is wet ground park, as inside one of areas of river city's main zoology travel scene, with its distinctive wet zoology landscape is attracting numerous tourist. Here is the cosset of nature, the thing using plant that has substantial vegetation natural resources and diversity is phyletic, appear give a vibrant picture scroll, provided the natural stay away from home of a be personally on the scene for the tourist.

Wet zoology protection and rehabilitate

Inside river nature is wet ground parkTaking the concept of zoology protection and rehabilitate, work through strengthening the protection of wet ecosystem and rehabilitate, former zoology wet protection rises, combine artificial lake, view and admire the landscape such as greenbelt of lake, gardens, make give a former modes of life and relation to their environment and have the wet zoology park that views and admire a gender. Here is heaven of all sorts of wet quake floral, also be the significant position of zoology protection propaganda and education.

Watch the superexcellent place to go that meed experiences

VisitInside river nature is wet ground park, the tourist can contact wet vegetation and wet animal with close quarters not only, experience the gift of nature, return the beautiful view that can appreciate wet zoology environment to the top of one's bent, experience the distinctive glamour of nature. Here, people can loosen him to the top of one's bent, experience the gift of nature, also can understand wet protective knowledge, enhance zoology to protect consciousness.


ThroughInside river nature is wet ground parkexplore, the beauty that invites us to realise natural zoology more deeply and flimsy. Hope everybody is enjoying natural scene while, also can be cherished more and protect our collective home.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, more people can understand inside river nature is wet the distinctive glamour of ground park, for zoology protective career contributes a force.

