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1. 硬拉


2. 深蹲


3. 史密斯机深蹲


4. 腿举


5. 翘臀动作


6. 踢腿动作


7. 踩踏机训练


8. 跳绳


9. 哑铃弓步蹲


10. 坐姿腿屈伸






Want to have perfect leg ministry line, besides reasonable dietary control, scientific fitness takes exercise likewise indispensable. Pass correct gymnastical act, strengthen leg ministry muscle effectively, promote leg ministry line, make leg ministry more slender send closely. The article will introduce the action of leg ministry fitness with 10 significant science for you, match with detailed and graphic, help you undertake leg ministry takes exercise correctly, model attractive double leg.

1.Pull forcedly

Be being pulled forcedly is a leg ministry fitness that has challenge sex extremely movement, the side after basically be aimed at coxal, ham and lumbar muscle undertake taking exercise. This act can increase coxal line effectively, enhance power of the small of the back, make double leg stronger quantity and curvaceous.

2.Crouch greatly

Crouching greatly is one of most classical movements in leg ministry training, basically be main training object with muscle of the side before ham, also can exercise hip and lumbar abdomen muscle at the same time group. Often undertake couchant greatly can buildup leg ministry power, increase muscle line, make double leg more handsome.

3.Smith machine is deep crouch

Smith machine is deep crouch to crouch more greatly than free weight to suit abecedarian more, it can help stable posture better, reduce wounded risk. This movement trains muscle of the side before ham effectively likewise, enhance leg ministry power.

4.The leg is lifted

The leg is lifted is a special exercise, can train muscle of the side before ham effectively. Raise a machine through using a leg, can more essence of life stimulates muscle definitely, improve training result, make ham line more clear.

5.Become warped buttock movement

Become warped muscle of the side after buttock movement basically exercises hip and ham, can tighten up coxal line effectively, make hip more forceful and handsome.

6.Play leg movement

Kick a leg to use the side outside making what basically exercise leg ministry and inside muscle, can enhance leg ministry power, improve leg ministry line, make double leg more slender and well-balanced.

7.Trample machine trains

Trample machine training is a kind of motion having oxygen, can improve heart lungs function effectively, also can strengthen leg ministry muscle at the same time, make double leg has force and line beauty more.


Skip is a kind of motion having oxygen that goes easily simply, can use up not only adipose, still can exercise crus muscle effectively, make crus line more slender be sent closely.

9.Dumbbell bend pace crouchs

The very good movement way that dumbbell bend pace crouchs is ham of an independent training, hip and crus. This movement can let drawing of sarcous of the side after you experience ham better, help aggrandizement ham line, make double leg line more attractive.

10.Qu Shen of sitting position leg

Sitting position leg bends muscle of the side before extending a movement to basically exercise ham, also can exercise hip and crus muscle at the same time group, it is the common fitness movement that improves ham line.

Pass above the training of actions of 10 scientific and significant leg ministry fitness, believe you can have attractive leg ministry curve and line easily, show a perfect double leg. Let us insist to take exercise together, make attractive leg ministry glamour!

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you undertake leg ministry fitness takes exercise better, model perfect double leg.
