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1. 光线:光线是拍摄的关键,选择合适的光线能够提升照片质量。避免直射阳光或者强烈的逆光,可以选择在早晨或黄昏拍摄,光线柔和。

2. 对焦:在拍摄之前,务必要对焦清晰。对焦点会影响图像的清晰度和焦段,可以选择单点对焦或者多点对焦。

3. 构图:构图是摄影的灵魂,掌握好构图技巧能使照片更有吸引力。比如采用“三分法”、“黄金分割”等常用的构图原则。

4. 稳定:保持相机稳定也非常重要,可以使用三脚架或者调整快门速度来避免抖动,特别是在暗光环境下。





Understand digital camera

Digital camera has become us the indispensable one part in daily life, no matter be a record everyday life a bit, still use at professional photography, master correct use skill to will conduce to film a clearer, more beautiful photograph.

Choose equal watch for an opportunity

Above all, want to choose equal watch for an opportunity according to individual demand with use purpose. Distinct watch for an opportunity has different character, wait like element, scorch, speed for example, these metropolises are affected to filming the effect arises. Of course, the budget also is a main consideration factor.

Master main operation

Before beginning to use digital watch for an opportunity, want to know main operation above all, include to open watch for an opportunity, adjust camera lens, setting films mode. In addition, learn to operate camera menu even, adjust the Bai Pingheng, aperture, parameter such as shutter speed for example.

Film skill

1.The light: The light is filmed key, choose appropriate light to be able to promote a photograph quality. Avoid the backlighting with point-blank intense perhaps sunshine, can choose to film in morning or dusk, the light is downy.

2.Right anxious: Before film, want pair of Jiao Qingxi without fail. The definition that can affect image to the focus and anxious paragraph, can choose only place to be opposite to anxious much perhaps dot anxious.

3.Composition of a picture: Composition of a picture is the soul of photography, master skill of good composition of a picture to be able to make a photograph more charming. Use for instance " trichotomy " , " gold is broken up " wait for principle of commonly used composition of a picture.

4.Stable: It is very important also to maintain camera to stabilize, can use tripod to perhaps adjust shutter speed to avoid to shake, fall in dark luminous environment especially.

Later period processing

Film after finishing, later period processing also is the one part that cannot ignore. Can use later period software to adjust contrast, degree of saturation, clip photograph, promote the quality of the photograph.

Pass an article, the hope can help everybody control use a method correctly of digital camera, film the picture that gives more beautiful, clarity. Thank you read!
