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Culture of cate of square of Shanghai day moon

Square of Shanghai day moon is located in area of Shanghai yellow riverside, it is a collect shops, the omnibus commerce square that meal, recreation is an organic whole. Besides international of well-known trademark gather, the concentration that cate is more here the ground, have everything that one expects to find of all sorts of cate of China and foreign countries. Here, can taste the Shanghai dish of savor tunnel and Chinese cate not only, the diversity that still can enjoy international cate is alluring.

Cate of square of Shanghai day moon is recommended

In square of Shanghai day moon, you can try traditional Shanghai dish, this band is dish, for instance small basket bag, sweet and sour spareribs, appreciate the distinctive glamour of Shanghai food culture. Besides, here still has the cate that comes from different country and area, for instance Italy wraps around dish of department of birthday of Sa, Japan, Thailand, satisfy the taste requirement of different crowd.

Cate of square of Shanghai day moon experiences

Be here to be able to enjoy cate not only, return the fashionable atmosphere that can experience modern city. The cate of distinctive meal environment and diversification chooses, bring the double sumptuous dinner of a vision and taste for you. And, the dining-room of all sorts of types and dietary room all are made according to international standard, let you sampling cate while, also can experience high quality have dinner to experience.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be in Shanghai for you day moon square searchs cate to provide a few helps.

