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Academic survey

In south courtyard of law of politics and law of finance and economicsIt is an advanced institution of higher learning that is located in Chinese Hubei to visit Wuhan town, establish 1951, it is politics and law of China's famous finance and economics kind one of institutes. The institute is located in beauty south lake beauty spot, cover an area of about 1400 mus, campus environment is beautiful, all ready of establishment of education scientific research.

Managerial characteristic

The institute is held to " deepen the Gao Shuiping with bright characteristic of reform, construction in the round school of politics and law of finance and economics " managerial concept, devote oneself to to develop the law person with ability of have both ability and moral integrity. The institute has the pedagogic team of a Gao Shuiping, education quality and scientific research level occupy domestic lead position. The institute sets the characteristic major such as international economy standard, banking law, devote oneself to to provide all-around educational education for the student.

Force of persons qualified to teach

In south courtyard of law of politics and law of finance and economicsHave giant and the faculty of high degree of tall record of formal schooling, include the famous expert learned man such as famous jurisconsult, economist among them. The institute pays attention to pedagogic education and education of scientific research ability, encourage a teacher to take an active part in communication of domestic and international learning and collaboration, promote education level and scientific research achievement ceaselessly.

Course construction

The institute owns perfect discipline system, have the top-ranking course construction such as law, economics, its learn course Sino-Frenchly to occupy domestic top-ranking position firmly for a long time. The institute is paid attention to interdisciplinary across is shirt-sleeve, foster integrated ability of the student and innovation thinking, do one's best develops outstanding law person with ability for country and society.

International cooperates

The institute extends the cooperative communication of as famous as abroad university actively, had established the friendly collaboration relationship with many foreign school, include student exchange project, combination to foster a project to wait, offerred capacious international communication platform and study opportunity for the student.

Will not look into

Future, In south courtyard of law of politics and law of finance and economicsWill continue to hold to " have both ability and moral integrity, syncretic of knowing and doing " Yo person concept, deepen connotation construction ceaselessly, become country hard the politics and law of high level finance and economics with top-ranking, famous international kind institute, make larger contribution to foster legal elite of future.

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